
Worlds Collide: Tullian Tchividian on “Morning Joe”

MSNBC’s Morning Joe is my favorite political program. It’s the only one that I’m into every weekday. So it’s an unusual confluence to see one of the Young, Restless, and Reformed to make an appearance there. And yet that’s exactly what happened yesterday morning when Tullian Tchividian came on to talk about his new book and to give an update on how his grandfather Billy Graham is doing. Watch it above. Get the book here.


  • Alex Humphrey

    Wow, that was a great interview. I thought it was especially interesting how difficult it was for the host to wrap his mind around what Tullian was saying about Grace and our unworthiness.

  • Dan Phillips

    Wow. I think very well of you, Denny, and I’m wondering: Did you think that was a good interview, Denny? “I love talking about” Billy Graham — did Tullian volunteer the name of Christ, or mention the Cross, one time? They asked him in so many words what a person needs to do to experience this grace that he and the Pope are talking about — were you rejoicing in his answer? Was that a world-tilting Gospel he explained there? Do you think those unbelievers, and the tens of thousands of unbelievers, now know thanks to him why they need grace, what grace is, and how they can get grace? If you had an opportunity to speak to tens or hundreds of thousands of lost people, is that what you’d say?

    What worlds do you think collided there?

    • Drew Sparks

      Great points Dan. This interview was like soft toss batting practice. He had every chance in the world to hit a home run.

      I think the biggest failures were his weak answer regarding how you get grace and his avoidance of the term “sin.” Does the grace of God make sense without sin?

  • Mark Lamprecht

    The question, “How do you accept grace?” was the perfect lead in to share the gospel. He could have immediately began answering with, “We accept grace by accepting Jesus…” or something like that.

    The talk about grace and God came across as very generic.

    • Larry

      I was stunned that Denny would like these words – have stopped by this post in the past and have same reaction to some of Denny’s blogs.

  • Kevin Cuthbertson

    I was disappointed as well. Lots of talk about his book and an ambiguous grace… talk about the grace found in Christ.

  • Elena Melling

    Why are you so excited about Tullian on Morning Joe? When asked how we can receive grace he doesn’t even mention the name of Jesus Christ! The only way to receive grace is not to cry out to God (generic) but to acknowledge our sin and accept Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross!
    There is no time left to run around the bush and there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved!

  • Matt Buttner

    Dan and Frank,

    I admire your zeal for the truth but brothers, you both often come across as hypercritical (I know, “curiously strong opinions” are your forte). You’re gigging Tullian for talking about grace and his grandfather? That’s the reason he was a guest on the show! They didn’t have him on the show to give a treatise on the gospel. Perhaps some viewers will check out the book or his sermons and get a fuller sense of the gospel, but for what little time he had, I think he did a fantastic job and was rather winsome. I shudder to think how bad I would be on a show if I was a guest. The Reformed camp seriously needs to stop sharpshooting its own. Sheesh!

    And Frank, why is it such a shocker that Denny likes a morning show on MSNBC? Is he only allowed to like Fox & Friends?

  • Jim Ottaway

    I regret to say that I have to join the other critics here. I kept waiting for an explanation of what grace: what our condition is and why we are in need of it; our fate without it; the plan that God made by which He extends it to us. TT is a winsome and well-spoken man; I think he could have crafted a clear and still gentle explanation.

    Thanks, Denny, for posting these items and creating this site.

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