Heath Lambert and I did a series of interviews with Family Life Today about our book Transforming Homosexuality. For many of you readers, the content of our book is no mystery. Still, in these recent discussions we do go into a little more depth. Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine are great interviewers, and they are pros at teasing-out the practical implications of things.
One of the things that comes out in these interviews is how much this book applies to all people. Yes, we are trying to ask and answer pressing questions about homosexuality. But in doing so, we are really just talking about the way sin and desire work inside all people—including us.
All of us—gay, straight, or otherwise—have deeply ingrained desires that are contrary to God’s will for us. In that sense, Christians have far more in common with our gay neighbors than perhaps we have previously recognized. We all stand in need of the transforming grace of God, and that is exactly what the gospel offers us.
The interview is in three parts and will be airing over the next three days on radio stations across the country. Family Life has already posted the series to its website, and you can listen or download them there. You can access them as well at the Family Life Podcast. Finally, you can listen or download below.
A Biblical Look at Desire [download]
Desire and Identity [download]
Is Temptation a Sin? [download]
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A very thoughtful article from the FEDERALIST