Like many of you, I have been watching the news out of Texas about a mother who was just awarded sole custody of her gender-confused child. The details of this custody battle are disturbing. Here’s the gist of it from Lifesite News:
A jury in Dallas, Texas has ruled against Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition.” This means James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will be able to continue “transitioning” him into “Luna,” and now has full authority to start him on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones.
The jury’s decision likely means that Mr. Younger will be required to “affirm” James as a girl, despite his religious and moral objections, and will also be forced to take a class on transgenderism.
The judge in the case is supposed to render a final decision on related matters tomorrow. In the meantime, the Governor of Texas Greg Abbott has weighed-in, saying that he has ordered his attorney general to look into the case.
FYI the matter of 7 year old James Younger is being looked into by the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. #JamesYounger
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) October 23, 2019
It remains to be seen what can be done about this. It looks very much like the mother of this boy is going to have her son put on hormone blockers to prevent puberty and who knows what else after that. Perhaps surgery?
How have we come to the place as a society that the recommended medical treatment for a gender dysphoric child means destroying a healthy body to conform it to a gender-confused mind? Why not conform the gender-confused mind to the healthy body? The transgender propagandists have no good answers to those questions. And the reason is that there are no good answers to those questions.
I’m convinced that one of the reasons that this madness has been mainstreamed is that people by and large do not understand what actually happens to children who fully “transition.” Not only are they put on hormone blockers to prevent puberty (which results in chemical castration). More and more of them are opting for gender reassignment surgery. And it is here that we need to understand precisely how these children’s bodies are mutilated in service of transgender propaganda.
Dr. Michael Laidlaw is a board certified endocrinologist who has described the gruesome reality of these gender reassignment surgeries. In an article about transgender teen Jazz Jennings, Laidlaw describes how Jazz’s surgery will lead to the destruction of perfectly healthy sexual organs. Laidlaw writes:
Jazz will need to have his child-sized penis surgically destroyed to create a false vagina.
What type of surgical procedure(s) is Jazz considering for the treatment of gender dysphoria? Typically, surgery turning a male into a trans-female involves dissecting the penis, turning the skin inside out, and placing it into a surgically created cavity to create a false vagina. After surgery, a dilator has to be placed in this artificial vagina to keep it from collapsing.
But Jazz has a problem. Since he still has a small child-sized penis (because of puberty blockers), he does not have enough skin to line the false vagina. Potential remedies include sewing in a section of intestine along with the penis skin to make the false vagina. In one episode, Jazz is actually offered two different surgeries: one surgery to create the false vagina and a second surgery two months later to attempt to form the labia. The need for two dangerous surgeries instead of one is directly related to the effects of puberty blockers.
Is this really what people think is good for children and gender-confused adolescents? It’s madness, and yet there it is. Unless and until people see the destructive nature of medical transitions, we are going to have a hard time getting people to see the urgency of the situation—not just in Dallas, Texas but also in countless communities across the United States.
If you thought the spirit of Molech died with the ancient near east, think again. Here we have parents and healthcare providers prescribing the amputation of healthy body parts in service of an ideology that is completely foreign to the design of the human body. And yet they are somehow convinced that this is is good for the child.
You tell me. What is good? To conform a troubled mind to a healthy body? Or to conform a healthy body to a troubled mind (through surgical mutilation)? Is this child’s male body lying to him about his gender identity? Or is this child’s mind lying to him about his gender identity?
The answer to these questions is obvious, but you wouldn’t know it from the jury verdict in the Texas case. Pray for this family and for this child. They are going to need it.
UPDATE: Great news out of Dallas. Lifesite News reports:
The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint guardianship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.
Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district ruled that parents will have joint managing conservatorship and will make joint medical decisions for the child.