Carl Trueman has another gem of an article in the latest 9Marks journal. It’s cleverly titled “The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind.” So what’s the “scandal”? He explains:
“Years ago, Mark Noll wrote a book, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, in which he argued that the scandal was that there was no such thing. When it comes to evangelical scholars and scholarship, I disagree: the scandal is not that there is no mind; it is that these days there is precious little evangel.”
Trueman is on point with this article. Read the rest here
Derek Taylor
I wonder if Trueman was referring to John Piper speaking at the American Association of Christian Counselors conference with this quote?
He may very well be referencing Piper. Most of Trueman’s articles contain a character assasination of some sort that he lamely attempts to disguise as a generalization. Thak goodness he’s above it all π
Trueman was most likely referring to Bruce McCormack – Princeton Seminary theologian and self-identified “Evangelical Barthian” – speaking at a conference in honor of Gordon-Conwell’s David Wells.