I just received in the mail Crossway’s new Hebrew-English Old Testament that displays the ESV Old Testament alongside the Hebrew text. I have been really enthusiastic about receiving this volume because the diglot options for the Hebrew Old Testament are pretty limited. Now, Crossway has given us the standard critical text of the Hebrew Bible text (BHS) laid out next to one of the best translations in English. You can order one now at Amazon.com. The actual size of this Bible is a little bit bigger than what you see in the promo picture. In fact, its size is almost identical to the ESV Study Bible.This is an outstanding resources. May the Lord use it to help more people to read His word in the original languages!
For those who are interested, I’m pasting below an image of the first page of Genesis from the Hebrew-English Old Testament. Also, there’s a pic of the diglot next to the ESV Study Bible.
Dan Phillips
Dude, you know you could have just paid attention in Hebrew classes.
Kurt Michaelson
EXCELLENT!!! This is definitely going on my wish list! This might be a good graduation or birthday gift too! YES =D
T. Webb
I’ll also add that Zondervan’s “Reader’s Hebrew Bible” is worth it’s weight in gold for those trying to bet back into Hebrew or to continue their reading!!!!