Jean Lloyd shares a little bit of her story today at The Public Discourse about how she grew confused about her gender and sexuality in her teenage years. She compares her experience back in 1985 to what a child with the same struggles might experience in 2015. The differences are stark and tragic. The pathways to wholeness that were available to her in 1985 have largely been cut-off to today’s adolescents.
If you don’t read anything else today on the internet, read this. The consequences of the sexual revolution are massive, and they have an impact on the lives of children. Be sure to read this one all the way through. There’s a little twist at the end.
“The Girl in the Tuxedo: Two Variations on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” – by Jean Lloyd
Paul Reed
Excellent, excellent article. Children today have much less Christian resources than we did and we forget this. And articles like this really bring this to our attention. Conversion therapy has been all but banned. Even actions among children’s peers against homosexuality are coming under scrutiny. I know that when my cousin was younger he had an effeminate manner about him and if it wasn’t for a certain kind of negative reinforcement action among his classmates…I wouldn’t use the word “bullying”, but let us say a good, albeit more aggressive, form of peer pressure, who knows how he might have turned out. I’m worried it might one day be the case where homosexual adolescents don’t even know there is something wrong with them, and never even think to seek out help.
Lauren Bertrand
So you’re encouraging bullying if a child’s behavior doesn’t comply with rigid notions of masculinity and femininity? What if this bullying had resulted in your cousin engaging in serious self-harm…would that still have been better than if he had been gay?
I hope you have read some of the far more thoughtful dialogue from this blog’s recent article on transgenderism, which–though probably unpopular with many of the readers here–certainly demonstrates why the harder the rigid-gender-binaries camp pushes, the more the “other camp” (which encompasses a variety of interpretations) pushes back. And why the other camp seems to be winning, amid a culture of teen suicides as a result of bullying.
Dal Bailey
Quite the twist ending. This article would cause many “Alternative” livers major mouth foaming actions….