Book Reviews,  Christianity

Ted Kluck’s New Book Is a Great Read

Ted Kluck has just come out with a new book titled Dallas and the Spitfire: An Old Car, an Ex-Con, and an Unlikely Friendship which he co-authored with Dallas Jahncke. I read this book a few months ago and thought it was fantastic. I highly recommend it to you. It’s a true story of discipleship, and in it Ted describes his relationship with a young ex-con named Dallas who has recently come to faith in Christ. Together they work on restoring a broken down car (a Spitfire), which becomes a metaphor for the rebuilding of a young man’s life. Here’s the blurb that I wrote for the book:

Dallas and the Spitfire is not your Father’s Oldsmobile. It is unlike any other book on discipleship that I have ever read. It is the true story of an ordinary Christian discipling an ordinary new Christian in the ways of an extraordinary Savior. There are no soft edges or filters on this portrait. It is “Good Will Hunting” meets John Owen. Sin is on display, but so also is the killing of it. The result is a window into the ways of a gracious God who has come to seek, to save, and to sanctify sinners. This book is at once heart-breaking and hilarious. I could hardly put it down.

Seriously, this is a really good book. If you’ve read Why We’re Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be, then you know that Ted is one of the most entertaining and compelling writers out there. There are as many belly laughs in this book as there are gut-checks. It is a real page-turner. I hope you’ll check it out.

The publisher has made the Introduction and Chapter 1 available for preview. You can read it below.

Dallas & the Spitfire

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