Christianity,  Theology/Bible

Steel in My Spine and Fire in My Belly

The sermons you are about to hear put steel in my spine and fire in my belly almost 20 years ago when I was in college. At the time, I was still cutting my teeth theologically and was wrestling mightily with the studied claims of theological liberalism. The sermons were like an oasis of truth, and they proved to be epoch-making for me. Here I heard for the first time about the bankruptcy of liberalism, the inerrancy of the Bible, the job-description of the pastor, and the necessity of perseverance. The messages meant the world to me then, and they still do now. The preacher is Tommy Nelson, pastor of Denton Bible Church in Denton, Texas.

As I re-listened to all of these yesterday, I was struck by how relevant these sermons still are now. It is a reminder of the power of the ordinary preaching of the word. Preachers, do not underestimate what is unleashed when you preach the Bible verse-by-verse. It will bear fruit in unlikely places and in ways that you may never realize on this side of heaven. Keep at it.

[If you have time for nothing else, listen to the first two.]

2 Tim. 3:1-9 – Paul’s Final Warning: Beware of Christianity [download]


2 Tim. 3:10-17 – God of the Copybook Heading [download]


2 Tim. 4:1-5 – The Biblical Anatomy of the Preacher [download]


2 Tim. 4:6-8 – Finishing: The Last Virtue of God’s Elect [download]



  • Kenneth Ross

    Always appreciated Tommy’s ministry. First visited Denton Bible Church in Jan 2001, when visiting with great friends the Toleman’s. Visited again with my wife and kids in 2002 – and look forward to being back there 3rd Sunday in June and 1st Sunday in July

    Kenneth Ross, Prestwick, Scotland

  • Adam C

    Does it get any better than Pastor Tommy?! I’ve loved his preaching for years and have always thought his sermons and conferences were vastly under-appreciated. When I first became a Christian, Tommy Nelson’s messages kept me going strong. Thanks for the messages.

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