Lila Rose and Live Action have exposed the dark underbelly of Planned Parenthood once again. In the video above, the undercover cameras catch Planned Parenthood helping a woman who says she wants to kill her unborn child if it’s a girl but to keep it if it’s a boy. The Planned Parenthood worker even informs the mother how she can manipulate the system to get Medicaid to pay for her ultrasound.
This is a chilling video. At one point, the Planned Parenthood worker assures the patient that the abortion won’t affect her ability to have children in the future. The worker does so by informing her that she herself has had two abortions and four children.
In 2010, The Economist called the worldwide killing of unborn girls a “gendercide”:
It is no exaggeration to call this gendercide. Women are missing in their millions—aborted, killed, neglected to death. In 1990 an Indian economist, Amartya Sen, put the number at 100m; the toll is higher now. The crumb of comfort is that countries can mitigate the hurt, and that one, South Korea, has shown the worst can be avoided. Others need to learn from it if they are to stop the carnage.
Watch the video above. Read the rest of The Economist article here.
Andy Moffat
While the loss of countless girls worldwide is obvious evidence of gendercide, I don’t think a conscience effort to do away with girls specifically is at play here for Planned Parenthood. I think what is very clear from this is that Planned Parenthood holds the right to abortion above all else, and will do whatever it can to make it happen. Had it been an effort to have a baby boy done away with in favor of having a girl, the results would have been the same. In the case of abortion, I would say that Planned Parenthood certainly holds true to the idea of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, and as such are promoting more than gendercide, but the gender inclusive infanticide. The sheer volume of abortions done in North America alone (I’m Canadian and we’re guilty too) takes it to the next level – genocide.
Adam Harwood
Funded, in part, by our tax dollars. Sickening.