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Should Tim Tebow Host SNL? reports that “Saturday Night Live” would like to book Tim Tebow to host the show after the end of the NFL season. Other quarterbacks like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have hosted, and it would be a huge ratings boost for the show. But it’s hard to disagree with Gael Fashingbauer Cooper that it would be a bad idea for him to host if he ever gets the invitation. Here’s why:

There’s no question the sketches “SNL’s” writers would create for Tebow would play off the many known issues surrounding him — the circumcisions, his virginity, the on-field prayer stance dubbed “Tebowing.” But once they handed those scripts to Tebow, it seems wildly unlikely that he’d go along with what they come up with. Who can blame him?

Manning did it, and he looked smart for doing so. But here’s betting the Tebow sketches would be much more personal and vicious, and much more likely to go against Tebow’s personal values, religious or otherwise.

I think this reporter has it right. SNL’s recent parody of Tebow shows just how profane and disrespectful they are willing to be towards Christianity. I didn’t think the Tebow parody was funny, and many Christians agree that it was in poor taste at best and blasphemous at worst. Self-deprecating humor is one thing. Christ-deprecating humor is another, and it’s completely repugnant to Christians. It’s hard to imagine that the sketches would be any better than the last one, were Tebow to host.

I think Tebow should pass on this one.


  • Jared Moore

    I think Tim Tebow should host it, so long as SNL allows him to approve the script prior to a commitment. The scary thing is that it’s a live show; therefore, actors can add whatever they want in the middle of the show. Even if SNL wrote sketches Tebow could participate in unto the glory of God, another actor may change it or add something inappropriate that wasn’t in the script.

    It’s a difficult question to answer because imagine the impact Tebow could have if he participated in SNL in a distinctly Christian manner.

  • RN

    Not only should he NOT host the show, but Christians should not watch, or support, or endorse, SNL at all. SNL wears it’s blasphemy with pride, and doesn’t need to be supported by believers.

    • J. Gary Ellison

      I agree with RN. The few times that I saw the Johnny Carson show so many years ago, it failed to pass the Philippians 4:8 test. I don’t think I ever watched SNL simply because of its reputation. Psalm 101:3. How can we bear to listen to the ungodly profane the name of the One who shed His blood for us?

  • Henry

    I think I agree with RN.

    Although not an American, it seems to me that I would not in any way want Tim Tebow to honour the godless mockers of SNL with his presence.

    Just like Elisha and allowing the king to see his face.

  • kevin s.

    SNL writers work with hosts beforehand to determine what is out of bounds. John McCain’s appearance was a good example. They seldom belittle their guests because nobody really finds doing so funny.

    As far as Godless mockers go, you realize he plays in the National Football League, right?

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