Christianity,  Culture

Robert George v. Doug Kmiec

forumPepperdine professor Doug Kmiec is a “pro-life” Roman Catholic who vigorously supported President Barack Obama’s candidacy for President. Princeton professor Robert George is also a pro-life Roman Catholic, and he decidedly did not support Obama’s candidacy. In short, George believes that President Obama’s policies will result in an increase of the number of abortions in America. Yesterday, George and Kmiec squared-off in a discussion at the National Press Club that was carried on C-Span. You can watch it here or read the Washington Times report on it here.


  • dllou

    Thanks for linking to this most interesting discussion. Dr. George’s remarks are the most compelling, consistent, and logically flawless I’ve heard on the topic. He explains clearly the difference between “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Birth.”

    Oh, that all pro-lifers understood and supported the dignity of all humans, conception to home-going, and were as consistent as Dr. George

  • Russ Ware

    Great discussion. George is fantastic.

    Meanwhile, Denny, in all sincerity, your snide usage of quotes continues to annoy. George seems to believe Kmeic to be genuinely pro-life. You are certainly entitled to disagree, but I would encourage a classier way of expressing it. Just a thought, I’ve brought it up before… 🙂

  • Derek Taylor

    I live in the Chicago area and was glad to hear Robert George bring up the story of Chicago area nurse Jill Stanek several times. I am absolutely convinced that Obama would have been unelectable if this story had become more widely known. This story illustrates why this issue ought to be a litmus test on a politician’s overall moral fitness – that is, what kind of moral framework or worldview allows a person to allow this?

    Here’s the story, written in Jill Stanek’s own hand:

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