I’m writing this note to draw your attention to a new book titled Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, edited by Thomas White, Jason Duesing, and Malclom Yarnell (Kregel, 2008). This book is a collection of essays taken from the “Baptist Distinctives Conference” held on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in September of 2006.
Mark Dever, Danny Akin, Greg Wills, David Allen, Malcolm Yarnell, and others are all contributors. The sundry essays address the topics of church membership, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, church discipline, and the priesthood of belivers.
Al Mohler writes this about the book on the endorsements page:
“The loss of a biblical vision of the local church–indeed the collapse of biblical ecclesiology in many congregations–is the greatest threat to Baptists. Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churces is a book urgently needed and well timed. The writers of this book are some of the brightest theologians and scholars in Baptist life today, and they are deeply committed to the recovery of integrity in Baptist life and in Baptist churches. We have needed this book for a long time.” -R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Derek Cox
Thanks Denny for making us(me)aware of this resource. I just finished talking with a woman who is a member of our congregation but is attending another church and has no intention of coming back here, yet she has found it difficult to understand why we would make such a big deal of meaningful and recognizable membership…By the way, the pageant girl in your top ten youtube videos reminded me of how my mind works when I am preaching. Very impressive to all who hear.
Kevin J
Bryan L,
When are you going to say “What if integrity does not return to Baptist churches? What next?”
Just playing with you Bryan…;)
Bryan L
*scratches head*
Kevin J
I’m thinking back to your questions such as on Jan. 2 talking about Al Mohler being nominated for SBC president:
“What will it mean to you concerning the SBC if he doesn’t win (asking as an outsider)?”
So, before you asked it this time…I asked it for you: “What does it mean if Baptist churches do not regain their integrity (as an outsider)?”