• Christianity,  Politics

    Russell Moore on the Gulf Oil Spill

    For a great perspective on all things ecological, see Russell Moore’s “The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation.” He writes: ‘Some conservatives, and some conservative evangelicals, act as though “environmentalism” is by definition “liberal” or even just downright silly… ‘There’s nothing conservative though, and nothing “evangelical,” about dismissing the conservation of the natural environment. And the accelerating Gulf crisis reminds us something of what’s at stake… ‘We need the creation around us, including the waters and all they contain, because we are not gods. We are creatures who thrive when we live as we were made to live. We exercise dominion over the creation not only when we…

  • Christianity,  Humor

    Lampooning Emergents

    Ted Kluck is one of the most hilarious guys on the planet. He has a piece on his blog lampooning an emerging website that is laugh-out-loud funny (HT: Kevin DeYoung). He writes: “I have tried my best, at times, to satirize the late, great Emergent Church movment, and I have to admit all of my efforts pale in comparison to this website, which is completely serious.”

  • Theology/Bible

    D3 Conference

    Early registration closes today for Boyce College’s D3 Conference, a youth camp this summer that is unlike anything you have seen before. It is called “D3: Leadership, Worldview, Missions.” Here’s a brief description:

  • Christianity

    N. T. Wright Retires as Bishop

    From the Diocese of Durham: The Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright, has announced that he will be retiring from the See of Durham on August 31. Dr Wright, who will be 62 this autumn, is returning to the academic world, in which he spent the first twenty years of his career, and will take up a new appointment as Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

  • Christianity,  Music

    What about Derek?

    The following question appeared under my last blog entry. “Has anyone noticed that Derek Webb has been touring with JNAPP? Or that she has been touring with him… Maybe you could provide a blog post about Derek. I’ve been wondering for about a year now where he stands on some things.” The short answer is that, yes, I have noticed. But, no, I don’t know where he stands on the big question asked by Larry King—Can you be gay and Christian? I used to be a big fan of Derek’s music, but I’ve had a tough time listening to his work ever since his “Mockingbird” album (which I wrote about…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Trevin Wax on Knapp Interview

    Trevin Wax has some great reflections on Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on “Larry King Live” last week. He writes: After viewing Friday night’s Larry King Live with Jennifer Knapp, pastor Bob Botsford, and Ted Haggard, I was struck with the question: Why is it that whenever a proponent of Christianity’s historical view of sexuality goes head to head with an advocate for gay rights, the traditional Christian almost always loses the argument? Read the rest here.

  • Theology/Bible

    Can You Be Christian and Gay?

    Here is the video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on “Larry King Live” last night. The video above is a short excerpt. The video below (which may take some time to load) is a longer version available on the “Larry King Live” podcast. Unfortunately, neither of these has the entire program, and both are missing Ted Haggard’s remarks. A transcript of the entire show can be found here. King wanted to discuss the question, “Can you be Christian and gay?”  King asked Knapp if she was still a Christian, and she said that she was a “person of faith.” She also said that there’s no contradiction with being a Christian and…