Ted Kluck is one of the most hilarious guys on the planet. He has a piece on his blog lampooning an emerging website that is laugh-out-loud funny (HT: Kevin DeYoung). He writes:
“I have tried my best, at times, to satirize the late, great Emergent Church movment, and I have to admit all of my efforts pale in comparison to this website, which is completely serious.”
So go check out this bit of hilarity from Ted. Also, go check out his new book Kinda Christianity: A Generous, Fair, Organic, Free-Range Guide to Authentic Realness. I just ordered it from Amazon.com, and you should too (if you’re in to that kind of thing). Here’s a description of the book:
“So you’re ready to take the plunge. Ready to translate your quest into action! Without defining yourself, and certainly without boxing yourself into one particular rigid way of doing theology or church, you’re ready to become emergent. You have a username and clever screen name picked out at Emergent Village(tm), and maybe you’ve even begun having church in an empty warehouse in the industrial sector of your city. If so, good for you! But those are just the first, baby steps in your journey (your dance, if you will) into Kinda Christianity. This book will help you along the rest of your uniquely creative path to super-terrific self-discovery.”
Is there really anything to be gained by lampooning the Emergent movement? If it really is as “dead” as we say it is, then why bother. Seems like a cheap way to make a buck.
Donald Johnson
Paperback: 62 pages
Publisher: Gut Check Press (April 1, 2010)
Donald Johnson
P.S. The cover is a riff on McLaren’s “New Kind of Christianity” except the cross is removed.
Rev. Z. Bartels
What’s to be gained? For anyone not taking themselves too seriously (emergent or not), laughs are to be gained. Enjoyment. Revelry.
For all others, a brief semi-satisfying feeling of self-righteousness.
For me and Ted, “a quick buck.” Or, actually, DOZENS of bucks. DOZENS!
Lucas Knisely
Yeah, if you can’t laugh at this kind of stuff, you’ll just become bitter. π
David Vinzant
It’s a way of mocking the beliefs of others and then accusing anyone who complains of being self-righteous or having no sense of humor. How about promoting a book or website that lampoons conservative evangelicals? Perhaps http://www.landoverbaptist.org/
Rev. Z. Bartels
Landover Baptist is actually pretty funny stuff. Also, Ted and I are working on the follow-up to KC, which goes after smug young reformed types (read: us), tentatively titled Younger, Restlesser, Reformeder.