• Christianity,  Politics

    The abortion mandate is losing in court

    Hobby Lobby is not the only for-profit company to have filed suit against Obamacare’s abortion mandate. Hobby Lobby is just the one that you’ve heard about because they failed to get relief and have become subject to crippling fines. Michael Foust reports that there have been 44 separate lawsuits filed against the mandate. Fourteen rulings involve for-profit companies, and 10 out of 14 have been able to get relief from the courts. In short, for-profit companies are winning the majority of these cases, which means that eventually this is going to come before the Supreme Court. The Alliance Defending Freedom has represented for-profit companies seeking relief. Michael Foust reports on…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Remembering Chuck Colson’s call to civil disobedience

    When the Obamacare’s abortion mandate was announced early last year, Chuck Colson was leading the way in explaining to Christians what was at stake. Not many Americans were paying attention then. But as the effects of the mandate have come to fruition with businesses like Hobby Lobby, more Americans are beginning to see how much of a threat the mandate really is to religious liberty. I think it’s work revisiting what Colson said about the abortion mandate and civil disobedience just two months before he passed away. The video is below. Here’s an excerpt:

  • News,  Politics

    Do morning-after pills cause abortions?

    In my previous post, I made the claim that the government will fine Hobby Lobby $1.3 million dollars per day until it complies with Obamacare’s abortion mandate. In the comments, I have received a good bit of push-back from readers claiming that the HHS mandate does not require coverage for abortifacient drugs. In particular, critics are telling me to “check my facts” and realize that morning-after pills are not abortifacient. This erroneous objection reveals that there is some confusion out there about what the “facts” really are. For this reason, I think a response is warranted.

  • Christianity,  Humor,  News,  Politics

    My contribution to the “Best of 2012” meme

    It’s that time of year when all the “best of” lists appear ubiquitously across the internet. This post is my contribution to the genre, though I confess that I’m not so sure that the following list actually constitutes the “best of” DennyBurk.com. These rankings represent the most widely read posts of the year based on page views. Whether or not they are actually the “best of” remains to be seen. In any case, these ten were the ones that you were most interested in. I am very grateful for all of you who read the blog, and I am honored that you take the time to keep up with the…

  • Christianity

    NY Times highlights young woman who deconverts

    The New York Times ran a story on Friday highlighting the deconversion of Sarah Jones, a recent graduate from a Christian college. Jones is a young woman who grew up in a fundamentalist home, attended a Christian college, and then fell away from the faith. She has now crossed all the way over to the other side and works for a liberal interest group that opposes Christianity. It is a sad story, and perhaps the best response to her situation is simply to pray for this girl and her family. The Lord’s arm is not too short to save (Isaiah 59:1). The original version of this blog post questioned whether…