Just to be clear, Planned Parenthood has argued that everything it has done is legal. Planned Parenthood is not disputing the most damnable aspects of this video–that their services include killing babies in utero and receiving payment to cover the cost of distributing baby body parts for research. Those are the facts that are undisputed and that shock the conscience. The latest undercover video is more evidence of the whole bloody business (see above).
We need this video to be disseminated far and wide. People need to know what Planned Parenthood is—the kind of place where the dismemberment of live human beings is discussed casually over lunch. That a place like this even exists is a scandal. That what it does is legal is an even bigger scandal. That American taxpayers subsidize this scandal at a rate of $1.4 million dollars per day is damning.
We can be thankful that House Majority Leader John Boehner has called for a Congressional investigation of Planned Parenthood. Hopefully this will finally lead to defunding this barbarous organization. But as a people, we need more than that—nothing short of repentance in sackcloth and ashes.
The primary outrage is not the trafficking of body parts—as unseemly and immoral as that is. The primary outrage is the killing of unborn human beings.
We are not talking about lab rats here. We are talking about people. People are being dismembered and killed in utero. The trafficking of their body parts serves to highlight the prior offense—killing innocent people. That is what Planned Parenthood does every day.
In their annual report, Planned Parenthood said they ended the lives of 327,653 unborn children in the span of one year. That means that Planned Parenthood kills about 900 people per day. If that doesn’t shock the conscience, then nothing will.
Ian Shaw
Can’t wait to hear PP say this one was taken out of context…..and try to explain it away.