NPR News recently reported on Southern Seminary’s forum on Brian McLaren’s new book A New Kind of Christianity. The report includes remarks from Jim Hamilton, Bruce Ware, and Albert Mohler. You can listen to the report below or read the article here.
[audio:]Brian McLaren also speaks in this interview. His remarks confirm what was already clear in his book. McLaren rejects penal substitutionary atonement and says that he no longer believes in a “God who needs blood in order to be appeased.” McLaren also indicates that Jesus is not the only way to be saved.
The report is slanted from the outset. She calls Hamilton and Ware “angry” and frames the story as if McLaren is the future of evangelicalism. I couldn’t disagree more.
(HT: @MatthewJHall)
Denny Burk
Apologies to the three people who had left a comment in this space. I accidentally deleted this post and your comments with it! You’d think that I’d have the hang of this by now.
How does he reconcile that with Hebrews 9, especially verse 22 ‘In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.’
Sounds like McLaren has a problem with God’s revelation of himself to the world, the Bible.
Lucas Knisely
I thought about this this morning. When you have a church, religion, or faith built on what you like rather than what God has revealed, how can you stop people from teaching what you don’t like within your church, religion, or faith? Without a rule of faith, how can you tell someone they can’t teach something?
I find it fascinating that Mohler doesn’t find cognitive dissonance in statements like this:
“I’m sure he’s tapping into an exhaustion, a fatigue, a sense of wanting to be culturally relevant, a sense of not wanting to stand out from one’s peers and neighbors,” Mohler says. “I certainly understand that. I just believe that the cost of following that route is literally the abandonment of historic, biblical Christianity.”
He’s attacking McLaren for “standing out” as he says that he doesn’t want to “stand out.” Very fascinating.
@Stephen, No dissonance there. Mohler is saying that McLaren is standing out from Orthodoxy, afraid to stand out from the culture.