
Logos Releases Thousands of Ancient Greek Texts for Free

Last Friday, LOGOS made an important announcement that many of you Bible scholars will be interested to read. Here’s the short of it from the LOGOS blog:

We’ve been keeping a secret. A big one. For the past few months, we’ve been working on making more than 3,000 books from The Perseus Project accessible in Logos 4. And today we’re announcing that they’re available for pre-order.

The biggest secret? We’re going to release them for free.

There’s no catch. No strings attached. Just thousands of free books for use in Logos Bible Software 4.

What Is Perseus?

The Perseus Collections are focused primarily on Greek and Latin classics, like Aristotle and Plato. They also cover the history, literature, philosophy, and culture of the Greco-Roman world—important contextual sources for biblical scholars. Additionally, they contain other key works of Renaissance literature, and literature from early America. In short, Perseus is a library of the West’s most enduring and influential classics.

Because these texts will be LOGOS library books (not PDF’s), they will be fully searchable and integrated with the rest of LOGOS’s collections. Here’s the kicker:

The Greek texts will be getting lemma tagging (we’re exploring morph tagging, too—but we can’t promise anything specific yet), which means they’ll enhance Bible Word Study reports. For example, if you’re doing a word study on a Greek word which occurs only once in the New Testament, your Bible Word Study report will draw in data from the wealth of other Greek texts in The Perseus Collections. You’ll get better results simply because the Bible Word Study report has more material to draw from.

Lexicons that cite these resources as source documents will be getting linked. (Most aren’t quite yet—but they will be in the future.) This means, for example, if BDAG cites a text from Aristotle, you can click the citation and the Perseus edition of Aristotle will open instantly to the exact location being referenced.

For now, the Perseus texts are available for pre-order, but there are only a limited number available. So if you want to get these texts as soon as they are released, you need to pre-order now.

One Comment

  • Clifford Kvidahl


    One note: there is actually more than a limited number of collections available. The reason for getting in your order soon is because the size of the files will cause a potential overload in Logos’ system. So, the first come first serve is not indicated a limited amount, but rather a quicker delivery. Hope this makes sense.


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