The Los Angeles Times has a profile today of the Rev. Fred Luter, the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Here’s the summary:
The Rev. Fred Luter Jr. has long been a prominent African American voice among a largely white denomination with a segregationist history. Now he is poised to become its first black president.
Mike Brown
Praise God for Luter. Skin color should not even come into the equation in life, period! Heaven will have no more racism. Let’s embrace the already of the not yet and show the world skin color is just that, skin color. It’s time we grow up and reckon dead the sinful nature
Paula Bolyard
Living in the North, I’m shocked (and brokenhearted) every time I hear stories of intentionally segregated churches. Are there really churches in this country where blacks are not welcomed? Most churches in my area are segregated, though most people and pastors I know would love it if they were more diverse. However, there is often such a difference in worship and preaching styles that it keeps the churches divided by race, which is not the same as racist segregation.
Last year, while reading about the tornado that hit Smithville, MS, I happened upon the town’s website and couldn’t believe that they actually had a list of “White Churches” and “African American Churches.” They’ve since updated their website and no longer list churches at all, but it’s unbelievable to me that the leadership and members of 7 “White Churches” would permit the the names of their churches to appear on such a list. Shameful.