I’ve highlighted Flame on this blog before. You’ll remember that he’s one of my students at Boyce College and that he is also a grammy-nominated gospel hip-hop artist. I love his music. Our family just happened to be listening to the song above on our way home from church today, so I thought I would take the opportunity to share it with you. Here are the lyrics to the chorus:
Angels surrounding His throne and
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
The whole earth is full of His glory
All nations bow to His name
His majesty fills the Heavens
Our hearts give thunderous praise
Declare the Lord is forever
Make a joyful noise in this place
The album is titled “Our World Redeemed,” and you can buy the CD here or download the MP3’s here.
P.S. My daughter’s favorite song is “See More Him” (listen below), and it is also on the album “Our World Redeemed.”
Denny, are you a Shai Linne fan?
Here’s a little acapella diddy >>
Hannah Williams
One of my favorites. I didn’t even like rap until i heard his music. Much better than Toby Mac. That conference was so totally encouraging.Oh yeah. Do you remember me form the conference? My dad introduced me. His name is Jimmy. Later.-Hannah