My good friend Dr. Jim Hamilton will be delivering a Julius Brown Gay Lecture at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at 1:30pm, March 13, 2008. His paper is titled, “The Typology of David’s Rise to Power: Messianic Patterns in the Book of Samuel.” If you are anywhere near Louisville, Kentucky, you won’t want to miss this one.
Jim is one of the most prolific young evangelical writers that you will find. Many of his published papers are available on his faculty webpage. His book God’s Indwelling Presence is a must-read. Some of you may remember that I reviewed it here. Jim’s blog is here.
We are looking forward to Jim’s coming. His Gay lecture is going to be great.
“His Gay lecture is going to be great”
I’m sorry, but I got a kick when I read this.
Thanks Brett, for being the sharpest knife in the drawer–you appear to be the only one who got my pun.
LOL, I was hoping it was intentional!
Yeah, it’s a side-splitter all right.
Mocking people’s names was real funny back in, oh, seventh grade.
But there I go again, being a player hater. Please forgive me.
Does anyone have a substantive comment on the post topic? I’m nowhere near Louisville–in fact, I’ll be in Orlando on the 13th attending this year’s Ligonier conference–but I’ve read Dr. Hamilton’s blog before and based on what he posts there his lecture should be a good one.
Take it easy. The Gays are good people (stop laughing, Brett!). This was actually a note more for Denny and Jim.
I have a feeling that you will see the paper in print somewhere. Jim might even post it on his blog. He graciously allowed me to read it, and it is a great paper for anyone interested in how the NT authors read the OT, and whether we can employ the same method. He uses David’s rise to power as an example of doing so.