
Interview with the Deaf Woman Who Now Hears

I linked Saturday to the Washington Post‘s coverage of a deaf woman hearing for the first time. It turns out that the Post’s initial blog post had her name wrong. The woman’s name is Sarah Churman, and the video was captured by her husband Sloan. The couple appeared on “The Today Show” this morning for an interview with Matt Lauer, and they filled in a lot of the details about her condition and the device that allows her to hear (see above). Here’s a snippet from the text form of the story:

Severely hearing impaired since birth, Sarah Churman had long managed to cope in a world where sounds came as if they were under water. But now, a surgical implant lets her hear her own voice, the sounds of birds singing, her two daughters chattering…

The pretty, 29-year-old Texan has became an internet sensation, thanks to a video taken by her husband, Sloan, as she heard her voice for the very first time last week. In the video, Sarah becomes overwhelmed with emotion, covering her mouth and bursting into tears, as she first hears herself talking. “I don’t want to hear myself cry,” she says and then laughs as she turns to her husband.

Sloan Churman posted the video on YouTube so friends and family could also witness the medical miracle, but a whole lot of others also looked in — 4 million at last count.

Read the rest here.

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