Yesterday, I sat for interview about complementarianism on the Janet Mefferd program. Janet had followed the online conversation between me and Rachel Held Evans and was interested to explore whether or not complementarianism really is patriarchy. I gave her my opinion on that question as we discussed a number of biblical passages. You can download the interview here or listen to it below.
Interview with Janet Mefferd
It’s very difficult to say everything that needs to be said on a topic like this one in a single interview. I recently preached an expositional sermon at my church on Ephesians 5 that gives a more systematic presentation of the Bible’s teaching on complementarianism in marriage. If you are interested in hearing that, you can download it here or listen below.
“Husbands, Wives, and the Glory of God” – by Denny Burk
Dan Phillips
Isn’t Janet just a superb interviewer? I’ve been her guest about The World-TIlting Gospel, the Proverbs book, and an apologetics piece, and each time she was top-of-the-game well informed and armed with substantial, on-target questions. Bet you also had a terrific time.
Denny Burk
Yes, she is! Thanks for the link!
In the interview, which was great, I heard you mention about a book coming out in regard to Christ and the need of submission to the church. Is this similar to Padgett’s book As Christ Submits to the Church?
Denny Burk
That’s the book I was referring to. I had Padgett’s As Christ Submits to the Church in mind.