Attention, fellow Bible nerds. The audio above features two big-hitters debating the authorship of the Gospels. Bart Ehrman, a well-known skeptic, squares-off against Richard Bauckham. I think Bauckham powerfully and decisively refutes Ehrman in this one. Here’s a description of the show from the “Unbelievable” website: Bart Ehrman’s new book “Jesus Before the Gospels” makes the case that the stories about Jesus would have changed and evolved before they were written down as the Gospels. Richard Bauckham, author of “Jesus and the Eyewitnesses”, defends the view that the Gospels were written by those with access to eyewitness testimony of Jesus’ first followers. They debate who wrote Mark, whether the…
Mohler takes on Bart Ehrman’s Newsweek article
The cover story for the December issue of Newsweek features another anti-scripture polemic from Bart Ehrman. Albert Mohler has an article today responding to Ehrman which is worth your time to read. In my view, Mohler’s last line is the most devastating. Mohler concludes: In the waning days of Newsweek as a print magazine, the editors decided to take on the New Testament. Readers should note carefully that it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print. Read the rest here.
Daniel Wallace Debates Bart Ehrman
Andreas Köstenberger attended last night’s debate between Daniel Wallace and Barth Ehrman at the University of North Carolina. Köstenberger writes an overview of how it went down, and he says that the audience feedback indicated that the debate had no clear winner. Köstenberger says that the technical stuff flew over everyone’s head. He also offers how he would have closed the debate had he been a participant. He writes: Friends, I think I’ve shown that for every skeptical argument Bart Ehrman advances, there is a reasonable response that shows the Bible to be more reliable than he makes it out to be. But in the end, how many of us…
Daniel Wallace Debates Bart Ehrman
On October 1 of this year, Daniel Wallace debated Bart Ehrman for the second time over the reliability of the text of the New Testament. The event was held at Southern Methodist University before the largest gathering ever to hear a debate over the New Testament text. A DVD of the event was produced by a film crew using four HD video cameras. It’s just over two hours long, and it really lays out the issues well. A trailer for the video is above. You can purchase the full video from The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. This is a great resource that you will want to…
Bart Ehrman and Daniel Wallace to Debate at SMU
I just heard about an event coming up in October that promises to be really interesting. The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) has announced a debate between two noted New Testament scholars, Dr. Bart D. Ehrman and Dr. Daniel B. Wallace. The debate will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 7 PM in the McFarlin Memorial Auditorium at Southern Methodist University.
Bart Ehrman Strikes Again
Bart Ehrman is out promoting his most recent book Forged: Writing in the Name of God–Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are. As with his previous popular books, Ehrman is on a mission. He is doing everything he can to undermine the reader’s confidence in the truthfulness and the authority of scripture. In Forged, he attacks the apostolic authorship of the New Testament. Responses to Ehrman are already appearing. Dan Wallace has written a three-part review that is very helpful, and I encourage you to read it here: part 1, part 2, part 3. Wallace concludes with this:
Colbert Lampoons Ehrman
For those of you who may have forgotten, Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar at the University of North Carolina. I have written about him numerous times on this blog. He’s the guy who used to be an evangelical Christian but who left the faith some years ago. He is now writing popular level books trying to convince others to leave the faith as well. I wrote a review of one of his books that you can read here. I am not sure why Ehrman would subject himself to this, but I don’t mind that he did. Colbert is actually pretty effective at poking holes in his arguments. Favorite…
Peter Williams Debates Bart Ehrman
Bart Ehrman recently debated Peter Williams on the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts (HT: Justin Taylor). The discussion took place on a British radio program called “Unbelievable.” You can sign-up for the podcast, download the mp3 here, or listen to it below. [audio:] Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus is essentially the starting point for the discussion. The book narrates Ehrman’s own spiritual journey in which he went from being an evangelical Christian to an agnostic. Ehrman’s faith collapsed when his belief in inerrancy collapsed. In the book, Ehrman seeks to explain why a knowledge of the textual basis of the NT undermines inerrancy. I reviewed Ehrman’s book a couple of…
Bart Ehrman on God’s Problem
Bart Ehrman has a new book out titled God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question–Why We Suffer. I have not yet read this book, but I note it here because I just listened to an interview with Ehrman in which he talks extensively about the book and his reasons for leaving the Christian faith. You can listen to the interview by pushing the play button below or by visiting NPR’s website. [audio:] I won’t give a point-by-point analysis of this interview, but I do have a couple of reactions that I will write here. 1. First, grief. It’s not a happy thing to listen to…
Darrell Bock and Bart Ehrman Agree!
Darrell Bock is an evangelical scholar, and Bart Ehrman is an agnostic one. Yet according to Jeffrey Weiss of the Dallas Morning News, they have the same opinion about the so-called “Jesus Tomb.” It’s a bunch of “hooey”! I think this story has just about run its course. It became clear by mid-week that no reputable scholar (Christian or non-Christian) wants to attribute any credibility to the ideas put forth in James Cameron’s forthcoming documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” Except for the initially credulous coverage by the mainstream media, the rejection has been virtually unanimous. Here’s an updated list of resources concerning the “Jesus Tomb.”