Christianity,  Theology/Bible

Hold Them Back

imageToday is the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision–a decision that has presided over the legal killing of over 57 million human beings since 1973. Abortion-on-demand is without question the greatest human rights crisis of our time.

Proverbs 24:10-12 tells us that we cannot be indifferent to this horror. It calls us not to turn away but to “hold them back.” Below is a message I delivered at my church on this text. My hope and prayer is that the Lord would use it to awaken consciences. Download here or listen below.

The message has three verses and three points:

  1. Protecting Life Requires Resolve (24:10).
  2. Protecting Life Requires Action (24:11).
  3. Protecting Life Requires Responsibility (24:12).

I close with five exhortations based on this text:

  1. Pray for an awakening in our churches that will spill over into our culture. The conscience of our culture has been seared.
  2. Submit yourself to God and resist the self-centeredness of this age that drives the abortion mindset.
  3. Support alternatives to abortion with your money and time and prayers.
  4. Use your democratic privileges to press for the protection of the unborn.
  5. Offer the Gospel to anyone who has been broken by abortion.

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