Michelle VanLoon has a gut-wrenching testimony of her father’s porn addiction. She shows that pornography not only destroys marriages, it also wreaks havoc on relationships between children and parents. She writes:
It wasn’t just the early exposure to porn and the resulting sexual experimentation that left dark smudges on my soul. It was devastating to realize that porn was an additional partner in my parents’ marriage. The discovery of my dad’s stash stripped away a sense of trust from me. From that point forward, I was a little uncomfortable around my dad. I was uncomfortable around my mom, too – but the awkwardness was definitely more pronounced whenever I was around my dad. It was as if I’d accidentally seen him naked, though that was never the case. I was left with questions I didn’t have the words or the nerve to ask: How did my dad view my mom? Other women? Me? Was my dad disappointed in me because I didn’t look like the women in Playboy?
I don’t remember either parent ever telling me I was beautiful. I would have given anything to hear that from one of them In fact, I did give anything when I gave myself away to some eager boys, hoping to hear from one of them that my parents were wrong about me.
Read the rest here.
(HT: Carl Trueman)