Culture,  Theology/Bible

Gays at Southern Seminary?

There were indeed some gays at Southern seminary yesterday, but none who were matriculating. They were all protesters from the homosexual activist groups Soulforce and the Fairness Campaign (pictures below). Soulforce is known for holding demonstrations at colleges and universities that have policies against homosexuality. They brought their movable feast to Southern yesterday because of Dr. Albert Mohler’s recent, controversial essay, “Is Your Baby Gay?

The Associated Press has the report:

Mohler irked gay-rights supporters by asserting in a recent article that homosexuality would remain a sin even if it were biologically based, and by his support for a hypothetical medical treatment that could switch an unborn gay baby’s sexual orientation.

Mohler has said he wrote the article “intending to start a conversation.” Lucas said group members wanted Mohler to rescind his comments and publicly apologize.

“Some of us were raised in a southern Baptist tradition, so for him to deny his own constituents simply a conversation _ we wanted to go have him hear our voice _ and we were denied that,” Lucas said.

The protesters were eventually arrested for trespassing, but not before some students from Southern Seminary tried to practice a little hospitality towards them. In the picture below, Southern Seminary student Matt Crawford handed out water to protestors. He was joined by fellow students Will Kynes (left) and Owen Strachan (background).

Protesters sang while they waited for their fellow protesters to be arrested at the seminary.

Below are scenes of protesters being led away to a prisoner transport unit after being arrested.

Gay-rights protesters, who decided to leave the protest early, watched as the Louisville Metro Police prisoner transport unit left Southern Seminary with 12 of their colleagues on board.

Officer Joe Richardson (right) gave information about where the jail is so that the remainder of the group could pick up those who were arrested.

Greg Johnson, one of the protesters, was escorted to the sidewalk in front of the seminary.

We would do well to pray for Dr. Mohler and everyone else at Southern as they try to bear witness to Christ in the face of opposition. The Lord’s arm is not too short to save (Isaiah 59:1).

[Photos and Captions from The Courier-Journal]


  • Mike Bird

    Back in 1997 a church I was at had a gay-protest during a church service! The local rent-a-protest crowd heard that the pastor was preaching on homosexuality and they told the media they were coming along. It was a three ring circus, every major TV network was there to cover it (4 in Australia), and we flew up a guy who had become a Christian from a gay-lifestyle to give his testimony. It fizzled out in the end, no arrests made!

  • dennyrburk


    That’s a great story. I love to hear about overcoming by “the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony” (Rev 12:11).

    Thanks, bro.


  • Matt


    “We would do well to pray for Dr. Mohler and everyone else at Southern as they try to bear witness to Christ in the face of opposition. The Lord’s arm is not too short to save (Isaiah 59:1).”

    Since his arm isn’t too short to save, can I recommend that we pray for Dr. Mohler, Southern seminarians AND the protestors?

  • Rodney Bradford

    The picture of seminarians passing out water to the protestors is fantastic. I learned much from seeing that “demonstration.”

  • Bridgette Perkins

    Rodney has a good point. I didn’t learn anything from this, because these are the type of things that I come across everyday, living in Houston/Humble, Tx. I have been taught not to turn the spiritually broken away, but to bring them in, plant the seed of salvation and let God water it!

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