
Dan Wallace on the Reliability of the NT

I had the privilege of attending Dan Wallace’s riveting lecture at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) in November. It was an outstanding presentation, and it is now accessible to a wider audience. Dr. Wallace’s ETS lecture and another one that he has delivered at apologetics conferences are now available for purchase at a very reasonable price. Here are the two lectures and information about how to obtain the DVD recordings of them:

“Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then?”
A lecture at an apologetics conference in Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, about whether our printed New Testaments today accurately represent the original text.

“Challenges in New Testament Textual Criticism for the 21st Century”
A plenary lecture at the annual Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, on current issues in NT textual criticism.

The price of each video DVD is $10. The price of both video DVDs together is $15 (plus $3 shipping and handling). To order, go to

Also, if you haven’t done so already, you can sign up for the free monthly e-newsletter of the Friends of CSNTM (the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts) by e-mailing ‘Friends’ update you on the adventures of Dr. Wallace and his team as they travel all over the world in search of New Testament manuscripts. To sign up, simply respond to this email. You’ll get the next e-newsletter at the beginning of the month.

For more information on Dr. Wallace’s work and that of the CSNTM, visit the website:

One Comment

  • Mike

    Dr. Wallace is a great guy and VERY well informed. He and two other profs from DTS also have a book, “Reinventing Jesus” on the topic of the relaibility of the NT. Consder this an enthusiasic endorsement.

    BTW, I think that pic is in his home library which is one of the neatest places I’ve ever been!

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