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College Asks Prospective Students about Sexual Orientation

Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Illinois has become the first college in the country to ask applicants about their sexual orientation. From the Chicago Sun-Times:

“Increasing diversity is part of our mission statement,” said Gary Rold, Elmhurst’s dean of admissions. “This is simply closing the loop, in many ways, of another group who has a very strong identity. It may not be race and religion but it’s an important part of who they are.”

The question will appear on applications for those freshman and transfer students hoping to start in the fall of 2012. Like admissions questions about race, ethnicity or religion, answering the question is completely optional and does not affect admission decisions. Students can check “yes,” “no,” or “prefer not to answer.”

Those who answer “yes” may be eligible for a scholarship worth up to one-third of tuition, not unusual because about 60 percent of incoming students receive some type of scholarship aid, Rold said. More importantly, he said, knowing students’ sexual orientation will help officials direct incoming students toward services or groups that might help them make an easier transition to college life.


  • Paul

    It’s a school with a big arts program, including a well regarded theater arts program. It might very well be a case of meeting a student “need” if the assumed numbers were big enough to dictate acquiescing to the LGBT population.

  • Mark

    Is there a difference in asking “how do you like to have sex” and “what is your sexual orientation”? Sounds like a strange and inappropriate thing to ask any person.

  • donsands

    Does the question ask, “Are you homosexual”?, and you then check either yes or no, or prefer not to answer?
    Crazy ain’t it, where we have slipped to in this nation. I wonder if Elmhurst has a Christian Chapel. Many colleges do have chapels and were founded on the Word of God. Sad how we have continued to become more and more depraved as a nation.

    Have a wonderful Lord’s day!

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