Matt Chandler had my number in chapel today. It was a spiritual wallop that I needed. Don’t miss this one.
Psalm 141:5 “Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil upon the head; Do not let my head refuse it.”
Matt Chandler had my number in chapel today. It was a spiritual wallop that I needed. Don’t miss this one.
Psalm 141:5 “Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil upon the head; Do not let my head refuse it.”
Don Johnson
A good word in season.
If I could speak to Matt, I would ask why he seems to imply that Mark Driscoll is someone that he warns others not to try to be. Mark says some good things and some wrong things and one needs to discern.
RObert Simmans
Because they are *not* Mark Driscoll. They shouldn’t want to be Mark Dricoll.
The focus of that point in this sermon was to warn against the celebrification of popular leaders in evangelical circles. His comments apply universally, not to just Mark Driscoll. Personally knowing Matt, he makes the same plea to others about himself. (This he also did in chapel as well). Those who are pursuing ministry (particularly in leading churches) shouldn’t have designes focused on “being” anyone other than who Christ has fashioned them to be. When the focus becomes technique, celebrity, or “success” in the way it is commonly referenced – we’re no longering loving Christ as first. We are using Him to make much of us.
I esteem Chandler because he “gets it” in so many profound ways that other growing church pastors do not. This sermon just reinforces how profound of an ability God has blessed him (and therefore us!) with.
josh R
In the circle that Chandler runs, I am sure that a lot of youngsters aspire to preach like Mark Driscoll.
If you try to imitate Driscoll it is going to be a lot more disastrous than trying to imitate Andy Stanley or Francis Chan for example.
I am fairly certain that Chandler wasn’t implying that there was anything wrong with Driscoll’s preaching. He was just saying that that was Mark’s Calling, and others should obey their own calling, not immitate others.