• Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Gene Veith on Patrick Henry College Shake-up

    Gene Veith, incoming Academic Dean at Patrick Henry College and culture editor at WORLD magazine, has written a fitting epilogue to the media maelstrom surrounding the faculty shake-up at Patrick Henry College: “Patrick Henry College makes the news.”I wrote about this shake-up earlier this week and wondered what was really going on at PHC. Dr. Veith clarifies some things that were anything but clear in the intitial reports that I read. You should read Veith’s piece. (HT: John Divito)

  • Humor,  Theology/Bible

    Me Church

    Well, if you enjoyed “Get in Here Ministries” (as many of my readers did) then I think you will want to check out “Me Church.”When you get to the “Me Church” page, click on the preview link beneath the picture. This one will revolutionize the way you do church. These guys really know how to reel them in.

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Veni Vidi Vici DaVinci

    A recent British survey has found that The DaVinci Code undermines faith. According to the survey, people who have read The DaVinci Code “are twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect” (source).The tragic thing about this survey is not the troubling reality that people clearly don’t know how to distinguish fictional genres from historical ones. The tragic thing is that an error in this particular case is damning. The single biggest question that any person will every have to come to grips with is “Who is Jesus?” Dan Brown’s manifestly fictional…

  • Culture,  Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Calvinism a Problem at Patrick Henry College

    Well, if you read my last post, I ended by saying that I look forward to hearing more of the story of what’s going on with the faculty departures at Patrick Henry College. According to Christianity Today, at least one of the reasons for tension between the faculty and the President was Calvinism. [President] Farris, a Baptist minister, has publicly expressed views that have shocked some professors and students. “He said St. Augustine was in hell,” said [Professor] Root. “I heard it with my own ears.” Other professors and students said Farris has repeatedly disparaged Calvinist theology. “There is a sense that you face antagonism as someone who is theologically…

  • Culture,  Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Faculty Shake-up at Patrick Henry College

    Strange things are afoot at the Circle K . . . oops, I meant Patrick Henry College. According to the LA Times, one professor was fired and three others resigned in protest. One of the exiting professors was Todd Bates, former professor at Criswell College where I teach.The LA Times writes: Patrick Henry College, the small evangelical Christian school founded six years ago to train students for careers in public life, gained national prominence for placing many students in White House internships and other government positions. Now five of the school’s 16 faculty members have left, saying the school’s approach is too doctrinaire to prepare students for the realities of…

  • Culture,  Personal,  Theology/Bible

    Broadcasting Sexless Marriages and All Things Gender

    I will be hosting Jerry Johnson Live today and will be talking about gender issues and the role of men and women in the church and in the home. I will be talking about Dr. Russell Moore’s fascinating commentary, “Sexless Marriages.” Dr. Randy Stinson, executive director of the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, will be my guest.If you are in the Dallas area, you can hear the show on 90.9 FM from 5-6pm CST. Or you can listen to the show through the live stream at the radio station’s website. Or you can download the podcast via iTunes later this evening. For those of you who may be listening…

  • Culture,  Humor,  Theology/Bible

    Get In Here Ministries

    If you haven’t done so already, you need to check out “Get In Here Ministries.” They have a website that features a video interview with the two founders of the ministry, Johnny Lang and Chachi Laruso.These guys will revolutionize your thinking about Christianity and its mission. I urge you to watch the video and be transformed by “Get In Here Ministries.” It will change you life forever.

  • Theology/Bible

    Ehrman & Hays: Caricaturing Inerrancy

    In a previous post, I made reference to a recent debate between Bart Ehrman and Richard Hays. For all of their disagreements about the origins of Christianity, they were in decided agreement in their caricature of inerrancy. This kind of an attitude does not surprise me coming from Bart Ehrman. I’ve seen him misrepresent the inerrancy position before, and I have written about it on this blog.

  • Theology/Bible

    Why “Together for the Gospel” Is Necessary

    I was reading Scot McKnight’s blog this morning, and he offered some critiques of the 18 affirmations and denials recently signed by the fantastic four: Al Mohler, C.J. Mahaney, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever. Among other things, McKnight suggests that the statement leaves some important things out (e.g., second coming, Holy Spirit) while privileging Paul’s language over Jesus’ language. My aim here is not to critique line by line McKnight’s short piece. I do, however, want to add my assent to the”Together for the Gospel” statement and to say that I think it is an important affirmation of core Gospel truths that are without question being contested by voices both…

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World

    What do John Piper, Mark Driscoll, D. A. Carson, David Wells, Tim Keller, and Voddie Baucham have in common? They are all preaching at the 2006 Desiring God National Conference (Sept. 29 – Oct. 1): “Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World.”Desiring God Ministries has produced a promotional trailer for the conference that is posted on their website. The promo is way cool. Beware of watching it. You’ll want to sign-up for the conference if you do. Click on the following link to download it: Promotional Trailer: “Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World” (HT: Steve McCoy)