• Christianity

    Correcting MSNBC about SBC Name Change

    I just saw a report on MSNBC.com about the Southern Baptist Convention’s internal deliberations about a possible name-change. The reporter suggests several negative associations in connection with the SBC. The last example that he cites is an egregious error on his part and needs to be corrected immediately. He writes: “Just this month, a Southern Baptist church in Kentucky voted to ban interracial couples, a controversial decision the pastor later overturned.” Here’s the correction. It was not an SBC church that banned interracial marriage; it was a Free Will Baptist Church. Not only is this story incorrect, but the story that it links to does not corroborate his claim. In…

  • Christianity,  Music

    A Christmas Song for the Ages

    As a Christian, I am astonished that the world still sings our songs—especially ones like the Hallelujah chorus. The song proclaims the kingdom of Christ and the absolute sovereignty of God over all creation. Yet every year the world sings this song at Christmas time, and wherever it is played people stand to their feet in reverence. Can you believe that? There are few songs that lift my heart up to heaven like the Hallelujah chorus. I can hardly make it through to the end without weeping. Of all the pieces of human culture that I hope to make it through the fires of God’s judgment to the new heavens…

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Text of Tom Schreiner’s ETS Address

    Last week I posted the audio of Tom Schreiner’s devotional at the B&H breakfast at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. I am happy to see that The Gospel Coalition now has the text of the address posted on their website. You can read it here. I will link the audio again below. Dr. Thomas Schreiner – Living Like Jesus is the Only Way – ETS 2011 [audio:http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/28607162-bhpublishinggroup-dr-tom-schriner-ets2011.mp3]

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Tom Schreiner’s Word to Christian Scholars at ETS

    I attended the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society a couple of weeks ago, and the highlight of the week for me was Tom Schreiner’s devotional at the B&H breakfast. Tom is the new chair of the HSCB translation oversight committee, and his remarks at the breakfast were prophetic for the scholarly set. He called on scholars to do their work as if Jesus is the only way. He called on us not to trim our sails to accommodate the prevailing winds of scholarship but to set our course for faithfulness to Christ no matter what the cost. He called on us to abandon the desire to win the…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Do you know about Rick Santorum’s daughter?

    At the Las Vegas GOP debate last October, Rick Santorum introduced himself in an unusual way. He mentioned that he was eager to catch the red-eye immediately after the debate so that he could get back home to see his 3-year old little girl Bella who was recovering from a “procedure.” The Santorums had been keeping Bella’s daily difficulties private, but after that remark Santorum received a flood of inquiries from concerned supporters. As a result of this outpouring of support, they produced the video above to introduce Bella.

  • Christianity

    Is it a child or a fetus?

    Darren Carlson gives a chilling personal account of how people euphemize the evil of abortion. He writes: My wife is five months pregnant.  Last month we went for an ultrasound to see the baby and have the doctors check to make sure everything was progressing nicely.  We had done this three times before and were excited.  As we met with the doctor and ultrasound technician they referred to what they saw as “your child.”  They must have said it 50x during the ultrasound as they referred to “your child’s hand,” “your child’s heart,” etc. But then something changed.  

  • Christianity

    Alcohol and Christian Freedom

    I’m a teetotaler; Tim Challies is not. Nevertheless, I think that everyone should read what Tim has to say about alcohol and Christian freedom. He notes a subtle contempt that the “young, restless, and reformed” sometimes exhibit toward their more scrupulous forebears. He writes: This older generation sees the younger crowd as celebrating freedom by rubbing it in their face. They hear us saying, “We are liberated by grace; you are bound by law.” They are convinced that instead of respecting them and honoring them, we are sneering at them and looking down at them. Instead of using our freedom in love and respect, we are using our freedom carelessly…

  • Christianity,  Music

    Christmas Music – Sacred

    Music is so much a part of this season of the year that I thought it would be worth a few posts to talk about the music that my family listens to most at Christmas time. I’m certain you’ll find some items here that you are already well-acquainted with. Perhaps there will be some other items that are new to you or that you had forgotten about and are glad to be reminded of. So for what it’s worth, here it goes.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Should you tithe to your church?

    Evangelicals disagree about how the Old Testament law functions as a normative ethic for Christians. Has the law been abrogated? Fulfilled in Christ? Is it still morally binding? When it comes to the ten commandments, nine of the ten are directly reiterated by the apostles in the New Testament, so the binding nature of those commands is a no-brainer. Some controversy still exists about keeping the Sabbath since it isn’t reiterated in the New Testament in so many words. One other issue that sometimes comes into contention is the tithe. Under the Old Covenant, God’s people were required to give a tenth of all of their increase. Some people believe…