• Christianity

    Not-so-evangelical Evangelicals

    You’ll be hearing a lot about a recent survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Among the most disturbing findings is that 57% of evangelical church attendees say that they believe many religions can lead to eternal life. Watch NBC News’ coverage above, and then read the “Summary of Key Findings.” Dr. Albert Mohler talked about the survey on his radio program today. You can listen to the audio below, or download it from AlbertMohler.com. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/MP3/totl/2008/AMP_06_23_2008.mp3] Also, David Van Biema interviewed Dr. Mohler about the poll for Time magazine.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Unorthodox Baptists

    The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) is a splinter-group of moderate to liberal Southern Baptists who do not agree with the conservative orientation of the Southern Baptist Convention. In the past, CBF annual meetings have included worship services to “Mother God” and controversies over homosexuality. One presenter at the most recent meeting of the CBF openly questioned the deity of Christ. According to David Roach of the Baptist Press, John Killinger said the following words at a CBF workshop in Memphis, Tennessee:

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    To Spank or Not To Spank?

    What do you do when the Bible conflicts with expert sociologists? Especially when the sociologists are warning against spanking your children as a means of discipline? U. S. News & World Report recently interviewed spanking “expert” Murray Straus, professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire. Among other things, Straus argues that children who are spanked are more likely to grow up to be violent and sexually deviant. Pretty scary, right? Well, I think that’s was the point. The spirit of the age is virulently opposed to spanking of any sort and is unable to distinguish between abuse and corrective discipline. At the end of the day, I think…

  • Christianity

    The Weekly Standard on Southern Baptists

    Mark Tooley has profiled the 2008 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention for The Weekly Standard. He writes: ‘Are Southern Baptists “dwindling”? Recent headlines about the annual meeting of the 16.27 million member Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) refer to its ostensible struggles with membership decline. Having lost 40,000 members last year, America’s second biggest religious body was described as “dwindling” . . .

  • Theology/Bible

    Every War Is a War of Choice

    In 2004, Tim Russert challenged President Bush with this question, “In light of not finding the weapons of mass destruction, do you believe the war in Iraq is a war of choice or a war of necessity?” President Bush stumbled in his reply, “I think that’s an interesting question. Please elaborate on that a little bit.” Even though President Bush was unable to answer the question, Russert was merely highlighting the fact that opponents of the Iraq War frequently criticize the conflict as a “war of choice” rather than a “war of necessity.” It was a fair question and deserved a better answer than what the President gave.

  • Culture,  Politics

    Maggie Gallagher on California Gay “Marriage”

    Maggie Gallagher on the California Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay “marriage”: ‘If the California decision stands, there simply is no longer any case to be made we have begun to win the war for judicial restraint. If a court can rule that same-sex marriage is a fundamental right (i.e., one deeply rooted in our nation’s traditions) then it can make up anything. Elite legal minds get to figure out what they think and break it to the rest of us once they’ve decided. . .

  • Christianity,  Culture

    The Faith of Tim Russert

    Don’t miss Jon Meacham’s compelling article on Tim Russert’s earnest Roman Catholic faith. One of the great anecdotes from the article is story of Russert trying to convince Meacham to appear on “Meet the Press” to “defend the faith” against the atheism of Christopher Hitchens.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Tommy Nelson on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

    On Sunday, Pastor Tommy Nelson of Denton Bible Church kicked-off a three part series on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The issue has become somewhat of a hot-button in the Dallas area as a result of a high-profile Bible church that recently embraced egalitarianism (read about it here). Pastor Nelson did a great job of confronting the error of egalitarianism and of setting forth a biblical overview of the complementarian position. If you are interested, you can listen to the sermon below. [audio:http://dbcmedia.org/podcasts/1307-061508.mp3] The sermon had four main points: