• Christianity,  Music

    Boyce College Worship

    Buck Buchanan leads worship in Boyce College’s weekly dorm meeting, and he and the worship band recently recorded an album of music from those meetings. I’m really grateful for these guys and want to share their work with you. There are seven songs, and you can download them free of charge at the following link. Zip File: Buck Buchanan – “Amen” Buck wrote to me about his goal for this album: “My prayer with this project was that God would work through this music and let people hear it that need to know the truth about Jesus.” That’s a prayer we can all agree with.

  • Sports

    Gators Win the National Championship

    Before the game, I thought that the Gators would win. After the second quarter, I wasn’t sure anymore. Oklahoma ran the ball at will on Florida, and it looked like the Sooner offense was going to roll over the Gators for the rest of the game. After the half, however, Florida made adjustments and made the plays they needed to make. It was a great game.

  • Sports

    Change That Even I Can Believe In

    John Harwood interviewed President-elect Barack Obama last night and asked him what college football team should be ranked number one right now. Obama reiterated his support for a playoff system in Division 1A college football. That’s change that even I can believe in!

  • Humor,  Music

    All Things Are Better In Koine

    To all my Greek students past, present, and future. I thought you would really enjoy this one. Some guys at BIOLA have produced a video about Bible students who have to go through grueling semesters of learning Koine Greek (Koine means “common” and it refers to the popular form of Greek spoken at the time of the New Testament). Here are my favorite lines: 1.     “λέγομαι ἐγώ,” which sounds like “leggo my eggo”2.    “Bill Mounce gonna make you bounce . . . Daniel Wallace” I am looking forward to teaching my Greek 4 class this semester, but I promise there will be no rapping . . . well, maybe a little.…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Can’t Get Enough of Carl Trueman

    I agree with Justin Taylor who feels a tad embarrassed that he posts everything Carl Trueman writes. Contrary to what you might think (given all the links I give to Dr. Trueman), I am not getting paid for this. I really do think Trueman’s stuff is just that good. His latest essay for Reformation21 is a must-read: “Why Are There Never Enough Parking Spaces at the Prostate Clinic?” It’s a wry look at evangelicals who are obsessed with cultural analysis and cultural relevance. His contention is that an obsession with culture can undermine a Christian commitment to universal truths. He writes:

  • Theology/Bible

    Endorsements of Wright’s Response to Piper

    Last week I posted a notice about Tom Wright’s forthcoming response to John Piper on the issue of justification. The work is titled Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision. The book will be available in Great Britain from SPCK on February 1, and in the United States from Intervarsity in June. Intervarsity has already posted a webpage about the book and has included a list of interesting endorsements. I find three things that are striking about this list.

  • Theology/Bible

    Peter Williams Debates Bart Ehrman

    Bart Ehrman recently debated Peter Williams on the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts (HT: Justin Taylor). The discussion took place on a British radio program called “Unbelievable.” You can sign-up for the podcast, download the mp3 here, or listen to it below. [audio:http://media.premier.org.uk/unbelievable/f884634c-cd93-4002-a5fb-589cab03a90a.mp3] Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus is essentially the starting point for the discussion. The book narrates Ehrman’s own spiritual journey in which he went from being an evangelical Christian to an agnostic. Ehrman’s faith collapsed when his belief in inerrancy collapsed. In the book, Ehrman seeks to explain why a knowledge of the textual basis of the NT undermines inerrancy. I reviewed Ehrman’s book a couple of…