
At Least the AP Got It Right

After a topsy turvy weekend of college football, LSU came out on top in the AP poll. I’m looking for the Coaches Poll to get their act together before the end of the season.

Geaux Tigers!

Update: By the way, it was a great weekend for professional football too. The Cowboys extended their winning streak to 4-0. The last time the Cowboys began a season at 4-0 was 1995 when they won the Superbowl.


  • blackhaw

    I have thought for many weeks that LSU should be #1. However after yesterday I think USC should be #1 right now. It really does not matter that much. if both go undefeated the rest of the way they will be in the championship game. But LSU has to get past Florida next week and USC has to get past California.

  • Dustin

    I would echo the sentiments of the much more seasoned Barry. I do however have to hoop and holler for my team FSU by finally getting its act together and playing the right QB. Look what happened…they beat Alabama handily. Watch out for the Noles…they may not quite me National contenders but they’re close. GO NOLES!

  • jigawatt

    The championship game last year should have been a wake-up call for all the pollsters. Ohio State was the darling of the NCAA … until they played an SEC team. I predict the same for USC this year.

  • Jeff Lash

    Well…it seems I might have to adopt a team for this year since my Fighting Irish are having the worst year in history. LSU is a good candidate. I like their speed and staunch defense. I’m so tired of USC and getting sick of hearing about Florida and the mighty Tebow. This week was a sad week for them. I’m just hoping Notre Dame has what it takes to beat Navy…but I’m not too optimistic. However, growing up in the Midwest my loyalties lie with the Big Ten (I will mention that Indiana is 3-1…go Hoosiers). So I’m going to root for the Badgers of Wisconsin.

  • Barry

    Here! Here! for jigawatt. The SEC is THE conference to beat. And Kyle, if you are reading this, know that I chuckled a bit when Florida lost over the weekend. Sorry bro. They had a good run.

    Again, GEAUX LSU. Let’s just shut everyone up by having USC play LSU. That would be a game to watch.


    Speaking of disappointments, is there anyone in college football more disappointed than Brian Brohm (U of L)? He gave up an estimated 15 million dollar gig to return and play for a championship. That ain’t gonna happen now, and neither is that 15 million. He’ll get drafted, but with the sorry defense of U of L this year, he will continue to get beat, and lose value.

  • Daniel

    I really can’t see LSU making through the SEC undefeated. Somebody will trip them. And USC will probably lose to a 7-4 PAC-10 team. I bet that the national title will once again to one-loss team.

    It might be good for OU that they lost so early in the season. People will forget about it by the bowl season.

  • Jeff Lash

    Well Micah…I know Zooks boys are all amped up about their win over Penn State but we are talking about a team who just lost to Michigan who lost to Appalachian St. So needless to say, Penn St. is overrated. Wisconsin has a much more balanced team. So I stand firm on the Badgers (though the Buckeyes look good too).

  • Denny Burk

    Okay, Micah. You are a venerated authority on collegiate sports. So I have a question.

    Who should be ranked number one in the nation right now? Who do you think is better, LSU or USC?

  • Jeff Lash

    Michigan definitely has a better chance of winning than Illinois. Like every year, Purdue’s offense is dangerous but they have no defense. At 3-1, I’m actually rooting for Indiana since that is my home state. But the fairy tale will end soon.

  • micah

    hmmm… well in the end it doesn’t really matter because both teams have difficult schedules which, should they persevere, will prove their worthiness. and i think that we need a twelve-team playoff anyway.

  • Jeff Lash

    I agree…though I love bowl games, I think a playoff system would be fantastic. I think it would be the best way to find a true champion.

    I must also concede to Micah…you were right in your Wisconsin prediction. Illinois is proving to be a pretty tough team. So my hat is off to you my friend.

  • micah

    thanks jeff. and thanks denny for the venerated compliment. then only game illinois has lost this year was a close match to mizzou, and they’re a good team as well (we’ll see tonight whether they can hold off nebraska). zook looks like he’s finally turned illinois around–they may be making noise in the big 11 for a few years.

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