
Are Formal Equivalence Translations Too Difficult To Understand?

Jim Hamilton refers to a poem from Lewis Carroll to argue that formal equivalence translations are not too difficult to understand. He writes:

Proponents of Dynamic Equivalence are constantly telling us that translations that are Literal or Formally Equivalent or Essentially Literal or whatever are too complicated for people to understand. Just to be clear, we’re not talking about Young’s Literal Translation or the KJV or even the NAS. I’ve now heard from Americans, Englishmen, and Australians that the ESV is too difficult for people to understand.

HOGWASH! That’s what we call nonsense in Arkansas. I think my friends in England call it rubbish. You get the idea.

Jabberwocky, with all its nonsense words that no one knows, disproves this meme about an Essentially Literal translation being too difficult.

Read the rest here.

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