Last night, Dr. R. Albert Mohler appeared on “Larry King Live” to discuss the so-called “Jesus Tomb.” You can read the transcript of the program here.
James Cameron’s response to one of Mohler’s remarks was completely inane. Mohler had observed how unlikely it would be that a peasant family of Nazareth would end up in a middle-class family tomb near Jerusalem. Such things just did not happen.
Cameron’s reply sounded as if he were making it up as he went along.
“I think . . . they were a religious movement with a very large followership. And they would have had the resources in later years to have a tomb at least as substantial as what we found.”
This kind of remark is just not serious. James Cameron is merely speculating here on what he thinks (anachronistically and a-historically) might have been possible. This is hogwash of the first order.
D. Taylor Benton
I read the transcript and what is funny is that Cameron and the other fellow whose name I cannot spell kept saying “we’re not the professionals”, yet they kept making assertions as if they were and had expertise in the Semitic world of Jesus’ time. It is laughable that they would try to piece all of these random facts together and come up with this outrageous assertion. I also loved the part when Mohler pointed out their marketing ploy of releasing around Easter and pointing out that the BBC did the same thing over 10 years ago! Hilarious! I wish I could have actually seen it.
I do not think this will convince anyone but those that do not know what they believe, just like the Da Vinci Code; this too shall pass…as ridiculous, fact less, sensationalistic attack from the secularists in hollywierd and the left.
D. Taylor Benton
I read the transcript and what is funny is that Cameron and the other fellow whose name I cannot spell kept saying “we’re not the professionals”, yet they kept making assertions as if they were and had expertise in the Semitic world of Jesus’ time. It is laughable that they would try to piece all of these random facts together and come up with this outrageous assertion. I also loved the part when Mohler pointed out their marketing ploy of releasing around Easter and pointing out that the BBC did the same thing over 10 years ago! Hilarious! I wish I could have actually seen it.
I do not think this will convince anyone but those that do not know what they believe, just like the Da Vinci Code; this too shall pass…as ridiculous, fact less, sensationalistic attack from the secularists in hollywierd and the left.
D. Taylor Benton
I read the transcript and what is funny is that Cameron and the other fellow whose name I cannot spell kept saying “we’re not the professionals”, yet they kept making assertions as if they were and had expertise in the Semitic world of Jesus’ time. It is laughable that they would try to piece all of these random facts together and come up with this outrageous assertion. I also loved the part when Mohler pointed out their marketing ploy of releasing around Easter and pointing out that the BBC did the same thing over 10 years ago! Hilarious! I wish I could have actually seen it.
I do not think this will convince anyone but those that do not know what they believe, just like the Da Vinci Code; this too shall pass…as ridiculous, fact less, sensationalistic attack from the secularists in hollywierd and the left.
I thought the Catholic leader was very good, at least he stood with Mohler. As for the other theologin, he was a trip