
A lump in my throat and mist in my eyes…

…after reading this from Rod Dreher. It’s Dreher’s story of moving away from Louisiana in a huff, and then of coming back in a hurry.

For all you Louisiana expats, don’t miss this.


  • doccochran

    Thanks, Denny. That was a nice read. I feel blessed to have southwest Louisiana roots. Since I am moving to California, I will have to keep getting my fix from watching “Swamp People.”

  • Randall Seale


    Thanks for the post. As a LA expat’ X2 I can fully empathize with Mr. Dreher’s sentiments (almost to tears reading it). The sense of “home” and “land” and “hometown” is sadly foreign to many and yet land, city, place, exile, and return are such prominent OT themes (e.g., Zeph. 3:20). Ultimately we find our deepest sense of home in the Lord Jesus and the home He prepares.

    Yours in Christ,

    Randall Seale

    PS: Geaux Tigers!

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