
A Heartbreaker for Romo and the ‘Boys

romo.jpgI have written a lot of football blogs this week and probably shouldn’t indulge in another one. But I can hardly let the Cowboys’ last game of the season go by without some comment. The Cowboys loss tonight was as ignominious as Boise State’s triumph earlier this week was glorious.

The Cowboys had many opportunities to win this playoff game, but they did not take advantage of them. But the one blown opportunity that everyone will remember is Tony Romo’s bobbled snap on a game-winning field goal attempt with one minute left to play. The Associated Press summed things up like this: “The Pro Bowl quarterback who saved their season ended it, too.”

This is a tough loss for the Boys and their fans. This pill will be really hard to swallow. But I think that Cowboy fans will make a huge mistake if they put their quarterback in the doghouse. He’s the only pro-bowl quarterback we’ve had since Troy Aikman, and he has much to contribute to this team in the coming years. This set back will not be Romo’s last gasp. I feel pretty certain of that.

I have to hand it to Romo who after the game took responsibility for the loss and apologized to his teammates and to the fans. Romo is not solely to blame for this loss, but he feels like he is. And unfortunately, many people will speak of him as if he were. I wish there were a game next week in which he could vindicate himself. But alas, the vindication will have to come next season, and I can’t wait to see it.


  • Josh R

    Well, as a Seahawks fan, I can’t say the Seahawks won that game. The got lucky, and the Cowboys lost.

    Odd thing is that it is quite conceivable that Chicago will do the same thing next week. Leaving only New Orleans or Philly to beat to get to the big game.

    Perhaps the Refs will make some really bad calls, and these guys will get their superbowl rings after all. You never know in football.

  • Jada Bown Swanson

    Well………I didn’t see the game SADLY! But, sorry, Denny, this used-to-be-die-hard-Cowboys-fan crossed over to the DARK SIDE! Seattle is my adopted home town after living there for many years! So, I must say, GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!! Luck or not!!!!

  • Everett

    As with previous Cowboy teams in the past ten years, once again they have a player, Tony Choko, who can find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

  • Faimon

    Shame on you, Denny Burk, for being a Cowboys fan. You are from Louisiana, are you not? There is no good reason to swear sports-allegiance to the NFL’s version serpent in the garden, Jerry Jones. It was beautiful to see them lose, and I never get tired of it. Greatest moment of the season? Almost, trainling only the 42-17 pasting that the Saints put on them.

  • Faimon

    Shame on you, Denny Burk, for being a Cowboys fan. You are from Louisiana, are you not? There is no good reason to swear sports-allegiance to the NFL’s version serpent in the garden, Jerry Jones. It was beautiful to see them lose, and I never get tired of it. Greatest moment of the season? Almost, trainling only the 42-17 pasting that the Saints put on them.

    And I don’t care that you live there now, either.

  • Everett

    To Faimon,
    It’s amazing to me that a losing Cowboys team still gets more press than a one-year wonder Saints team that probably will play their last game this Sunday.

    All in football fun πŸ™‚

  • dennyrburk


    True, I am from Louisiana. I was born there and was raised there for most of my life before moving to Dallas to got to DTS.

    It is also true, however, that my earliest memories all go back to the mid to late 70’s when my dad was in seminary and when we were living in Forth Worth, Texas. In those formative years, I cut my teeth on Cowboys football and pulled for Tom Landry, Too Tall Jones, Randy White, and Roger Staubach (especially Roger Staubach). Ever since then, our family has been Cowboys fans.

    When we moved back to Louisiana when I was in sixth grade, we continued to pull for the Cowboys, even though the Saints were our number two team.

    Our devotion to the Cowboys was challenged when Jerry Jones committed the sacrilege of firing Tom Landry. To be honest, I have never really gotten over that. I pull for the Cowboys in spite of my antipathy towards Jerry Jones (and Terrell Owens for that mattter).

    So, as you can see, I have sort of a dual citizenship. I am a Texianian. The Cowboys are out, so now I will be pulling for the Saints with all my might.

    Much luf,

  • Everett

    To Faimon:

    Hey my friend. Your quotation of that score just highlights my point. I guarantee that the press will focus more on Tony Choko’s butterfinger moment than whether the Saints win or lose this weekend. I wonder why that is?

    But on another note, beat those Eagles!!!

  • Billy

    The Saints have yet to win a playoff game in their history….is that not correct? I hope they beat the Eagles, however I don’t think a team full of spare part Cowboy rejects is gonna get the job done.

    Jerry Jones is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Cowboys. He pulled them out of the cellar and returned them to the premier franchise of the NFL.

  • Debbie

    I miss Jimmie Johnson, I felt let down when he went to Miami. I wish Jerry would have went with him. I miss our former coaches that were under Landry. I like Troy, Emmitt and Deion and Micheal too when they don’t act like children.
    I liked Landry because he didn’t tolorate the drugs and stuff athletes are prone to.

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