Christianity,  Politics

A Good Word from Tony Snow

I’m thankful for public servants like Tony Snow—so much so that I have written about him more than once on this blog (see here). Last week, he announced that he would resign as President Bush’s press secretary.

Many people will remember that he is a cancer survivor. Unfortunately his cancer has returned. Snow wrote a short piece for Christianity Today describing his decision to step down, and he also shared some of his reflections on having cancer. You should read the whole essay, but one line stuck out to me:

“We want lives of simple, predictable ease—smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see—but God likes to go off-road.”

Read the rest: “Cancer’s Unexpected Blessings” by Tony Snow (Christianity Today).

[35 year old Dana Perino will be replacing Snow as press secretary. She is pictured above with President Bush as Tony Snow announced his resignation.]


  • Paul

    yeah, because every great example of a Christian that I know lies for a living.

    No matter what kind of guy he might be off the job, on the job, he’s been caught lying and covering up for the (ahem) gentlemen that he works for.

  • Mazie

    Tony, how beautiful can that be I love your article. I too have cancer you have given me hope. Like You have done for the rest of all Americans suffering with this disease. God Bless You. You will be miss in Washington. I hope someday I can shake your hand for all the work you have done for us

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