Did anyone happen to notice that The Today Show hosted two interviews with young women this morning? One was with Miley Cyrus and another with Elizabeth Smart. I don’t know that these two videos require much commentary. I simply found them to be a fascinating juxtaposition. In fact, I would say that the wisdom of Solomon is in this juxtaposition (Prov. 11:3; 12:15; 21:2; 26:12; 28:11). Sometimes on accident popular culture offers us something worth pondering, and I think this may be such an instance. You can watch both interviews below.
Elizabeth Smart
[Viewers should be advised that there is offensive material in the following video.]
Miley Cyrus
Kevin Cuthbertson
Matt Lauer hit it on the head when he called her an “adult performer”
Ian Shaw
Pray for Ms. Cyrus and her family. It’s difficult to take the log out before I point out the spec. So I’ll leave it at that. Pray for her.
Ian Shaw
Few if not a miniscule amount of artists are actually muscicians today. Shame really. That and auto-tune. Bing Crosby and Gene Kelly are rolling in their graves. Nobody sings to pitch now. Their vocals are tuned digitally. Makes the band geek in me wretch.
The Seeking Disciple
Amazing how far Miley has fallen. From Disney child star (whom many admired) to this. I do pray that she repents before eternity calls (Hebrews 9:27-28).
John M. Harris
Unfortunately, one was raised as a Christian, and one was not. And, it’s not the way we would hope π
As to the “log/speck” the whole idea is to remove your log, and the go and remove the speck. Anyone who takes that passage as an admonition to not ever judge, misses the point.
Ian Shaw
I’m well aware of the huge misconception of Matthew 7. It is one of the most incorrectly interpreted pieces of Scripture ever, as people read verse 1 and then shut the Bible. What I meant was that it’s very easy for me to throw stones because, well, it’s pretty obvious what she’s doing is wrong from a Christian worldview. I can call it how I see it because I’m the biggest sinner I know. I’m just trying to restrain myself from getting up on the soapbox and lobbing grenades her way.
Yes, Matthew 7 tells us how NOT to judge, not to not judge entirely (if you follow my logic).
david bartosik
Just an insightful look into our culture by simply allowing someone the opportunity to share their perspective on lie—and we as a culture idolize one and give the other marginal recognition after a lifetime of torment. If for nothing else, thanks for bringing light to it for us to reflect on denny.
Aaron A. Smith
Alternate title: A Tale Of Two Victims.
Lauren Law
So sad that Miley is so deluded to what so many think about her. A shame, too, that she doesn’t care about anyone else but herself. Her self-centeredness and delusions of grandeur are fueled by a society of like-minded young people. BUT THE GOOD NEWS…not every young person is as self-centered or selfish. Thank you for the beautiful contrast of a young woman who was so traumatized…and allowed God to heal her. Wish we had more young women of faith and values getting the attention of a media that wants to stir up and devalue the young adults of our society. I’ve recently been exposed to the darker side…nothing as dark as Elizabeth Smart’s story. But just reminded what it’s like to be around folks with no respect or awe (or even belief) in God and His Son Jesus and His Holy Spirit. I can only continue to thank God for saving me from the dark side. Thanks for sharing these videos.
Denny Burk
Just to be clear, neither one of these young ladies is a Christian.
Brett Cody
Considering Miley’s comments on her VMA performance about making history, I have wondered who it is that is being exploited…her, us, or both?
The sad thing is how easily the younger generation is being ‘lured’ into perpetuating evil in our culture.
Kevin W. Bridges
Christian or not, one is an inspiring story of a beautiful and classy woman with great strength and determination to overcome. The other, well… a story of a rebellious, trashy, no-talent brat.