“It’s now well established that the Americans were attacked by Al Qaeda in a well planned assault.” -Lara Logan, “60 Minutes” (October 27, 2013) It is incredible that it has taken over a year for “60 Minutes” to do a hard-hitting report on the Benghazi attacks. I say better late than never. If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you already know what I think about it. The question is whether Americans care anymore. I hope they do. Don’t miss this one. Watch above. —————— UPDATE, 11/8/13: CBS News has now had to issue an embarassing correction, saying that their main source in this…
Maureen Dowd’s devastating critique of the administration’s handling of Benghazi
Maureen Dowd, a reliably liberal columnist for The New York Times, wrote a tough article critiquing the administration’s handling of the Benghazi terror attacks. This column is significant because it reveals that this whole matter cannot be summarily dismissed as the latest fetish from Fox News. Intellectually honest liberal commentators are coming to the conclusion that something is amiss in the administration’s handling of Benghazi, and the American public deserves to know the truth. Dowd writes:
Benghazi then and now
If you haven’t been paying attention to the Congressional hearings regarding the Benghazi terrorist attacks, you need to be. I think Michael Gerson and Peggy Noonan have summed up the meaning of all of it as well as anyone, and I recommend that you read both articles. As I was reviewing some of my Benghazi articles from last Fall, I came across a most prescient editorial from The Wall Street Journal. Keep in mind that this was written six months ago:
The Fog of Benghazi
The Wall Street Journal has an editorial that takes into account all the latest reporting on Benghazi. Even with the detailed timeline released by the CIA on Thursday, troubling questions remain unanswered: Why did the U.S. not heed warnings about a growing Islamist presence in Benghazi and better protect the diplomatic mission and CIA annex?
President Offended by Benghazi Questions
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski snagged an interview with President Obama over the weekend, and they asked him about the Benghazi debacle. Two things are notable about this exchange.
McCain Says Benghazi a Cover-up or Incompetence
This morning on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” John McCain says that the President’s reaction to Benghazi is either a cover-up or gross incompetence (see video above).
Meet the Press on Benghazi, “We’ll get to that a little bit later.” But they never did.
During a round table discussion on “Meet the Press” this morning, Carly Fiorina brought up the failures during and after the Benghazi attacks (see above). As she was laying out the case against the Obama’s administration’s response, host David Gregory interrupted and brushed the critique aside with, “Let’s get to Libya a little bit later.” Guess what happened when they came back to the topic of Libya? Nothing. They never came back to it. Not only does Gregory fail to initiate discussion about the topic, he cuts off the one person who did. One would think that the deaths of four Americans might get a little more attention on a…
No, Mr. President. Benghazi is an election issue.
A local reporter in Denver, Colorado did not get the memo that he was supposed to give President Obama a pass on the Benghazi issue. In a recent interview with the President, the reporter pressed the President to account for the failure to send help to the Americans who died in Benghazi. The President’s answers were at best evasive. Not only does the President refuse to answer the question, he tells the reporter that that his question is irrelevant:
Robbie George calls for charity among conservatives currently divided
Dr. Robbie George of Princeton University is regarded by many as the leading intellectual of conservatism. In a Facebook post today, he calls for charity among conservatives who are currently divided over how to vote in the 2016 presidential election. George writes: Lincoln famously said: “With malice towards none, with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.” Friends, we are in a terrible fix here. And it is putting some of us at each other’s throats. it must not be permitted to do that. Donald Trump is dreadful. Hillary Clinton is horrible. One called for the killing of the innocent family…
Four reflections on the film “13 Hours”
Last night, I saw the movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.” And let me just say, it was very well done. Viewers should be advised that this is not a movie for children as it contains all the grit and profanity of soldier life. It also depicts some pretty gruesome wartime violence. Nevertheless, it does tell the story of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 when a terrorist assault killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. It is compelling material to say the very least. I am not going to render a full review of the movie in this space but would offer four brief…