
12 Landmines To Avoid in Ministry

In 1998 when I was a student at Dallas Theological Seminary, Pastor Tommy Nelson delivered a series of messages in chapel on the “12 Landmines of Ministry.” I have never forgotten these sermons. They grow out of the experience of a seasoned pastor, and they are very practical. You will have to adapt these to your own ecclesiological context (e.g., he’s not a congregationalist), but I still think there are some very helpful things in here both for pastors and for those training to be a pastor. There are four messages, each of which contains three landmines. You can download or listen to them below.

Landmines 1-3 [download]


1. Inability to avoid pride

2. Inability to have authenticity

3. Inability to shun worldliness

Landmines 4-6 [download]


4. Inability to identify leaders and surround yourself with worthy men

5. Inability to deal with women

6. Inability to cultivate a private devotional life

Landmines 7-9 [download]


7. Inability to educate your people to be disciple-makers

8. Inability to enjoy and relate to people

9. Inability to persevere in ministry

Landmines 10-12 [download]


10. Lack of courage to remain in Apostolic truth

11. Inability to be a team man

12. Unwillingness to lead, initiate, or progress


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