Christianity,  Theology/Bible

David Platt in SBTS Chapel

I believe David Platt (@plattdavid) to be the most passionate and compelling missions-mobilizer in Southern Baptist life today. He brought a powerful and convicting message in Southern Seminary’s chapel service that I think everyone needs to hear. His text is Luke 9:57-62, a text which he argues presents us with three questions about our priorities:

1. Are we going to choose comfort or the cross? (Luke 9:57-58)
2. Are we going to settle for maintenance or are we going to sacrifice for mission? (Luke 9:59-60)
3. Are our lives and ministries going to be marked by indecisive minds or undivided hearts? (Luke 9:61-62)

Don’t listen to this if you don’t want your world shaken-up. Don’t miss this one.

Audio of Sermon:


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