Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

Touchstone Forum on Evangelicalism

This is just a note on something that is coming in the November issue of Touchstone magazine. The editor has put together a forum on the state of evangelicalism today, and the contributors include Russell Moore, John Franke, Darryl Hart, Michael Horton, David Lyle Jeffrey, and yours truly. Here are the questions that we all answered:

● “How do you define ‘Evangelical,’ in a way that distinguishes Evangelicals from other believing Christians? And has this definition changed over the last several decades?”
● “Has Evangelicalism matured since the 1950s, and if so in what ways?”
● “Has it lost anything in the process of maturing (if it did)?”
● “Are there any fundamental differences within the Evangelical movement today, and do you think they will deepen into permanent divisions, or even have already? How might they be healed?”
● “What does your movement, speaking generally, fail to see that it ought to see?”
● “What would you say to an Evangelical tempted to become Catholic or Orthodox?”
● “What has Evangelicalism to offer the wider world that it will find nowhere else?”
● “What else would you like to say?”

These questions open up the opportunity for each writer to get right to the heart of what they think evangelicalism is and where it is going. I have already had a chance to read the answers from the other contributors. As you can imagine from looking at the list of authors, some of our answers vary widely. I wonder how you would answer the questions?

This article will not appear on the website, but will only be available in the magazine. So if you don’t have a subscription to Touchstone, now would be the time to get one. [Click here to subscribe.]

“Evangelicalism Today” a forum with Russell Moore, Denny Burk, John Franke, Darryl Hart, Michael Horton, and David Lyle Jeffrey. Touchstone (November 2007).


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