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Spielberg To Direct New Moses Movie

Here’s the scoop:

The two-time Oscar winner is closing in on a deal with Warner Bros. to direct “Gods And Kings,” which is described as a “‘Braveheart’-ish version of the Moses story” mixed with the “gritty reality” of “Saving Private Ryan.”

Warner Bros. has been courting Spielberg for the project since last September, and now it appears they are close to nabbing him. That in itself is an accomplishment: the notoriously busy Spielberg always has a full dance card, but will have time for “Gods And Kings” next spring. The director just finished “Lincoln” and will soon start on “Robopocalypse”; “Gods And Kings” would hope to begin lensing in March or April 2013.

I confess that when I first read “gritty reality,” the first thing that came to my mind was Exodus 4:25. And that is small potatoes compared to the rest of the Exodus story: the death of firstborn children, the slaughter of the lambs, water turning to blood, the plague of boils, and on and on. This is not a story for the faint of heart. So I am quite curious to see how far Hollywood is willing to go with “gritty reality” in telling this story.

Read the rest here.


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