Tim Challies has a post today about his encounter with the Louisville abortion clinic when he was in town for T4G last week. Tim says that he observed some Christians standing outside the clinic encouraging young women not to abort their unborn babies. You can read the narrative of Tim’s experience here, but I want to tell you a little bit about the people who are outside of that abortion clinic every week.
A few years ago, Dave and Stacy Hare of Immanuel Baptist Church were inspired by a sermon from their pastor to begin a ministry called “Speak for the Unborn.” The ministry was to be a kind of last line of defense for the unborn. They got together some other volunteers and went to the abortion clinic every Saturday morning to talk to young women as they approached the clinic. The message was pretty simple. They would encourage them to keep their babies, to come to the crisis pregnancy center next door, and (when there’s opportunity) to consider the gospel.
My church got involved with the ministry a couple of years ago, and I have been out there many times myself. Over the years, the volunteers of “Speak for the Unborn” have seen many women walk away from the abortion clinic and into the crisis pregnancy center. Babies have been saved as a result of this ministry, and countless mothers and fathers have heard the gospel. It’s not an easy work. The escorts from the clinic can be really hostile. But it is nevertheless a good work.
This ministry is still in need of volunteers. I have observed that the women from our church were the most effective at engaging the women who were coming in for abortions. The ministry needs more women who are bold to speak to mothers in crisis. But that doesn’t mean there is no role for men. I can’t tell you how many conversations that I had with husbands and boyfriends who accompanied young women to the clinic. Many of these women are looking for just one person to support their decision to keep their baby. So convincing these husbands and boyfriends is crucial work. Male volunteers also have opportunities to engage the clinic’s escorts, many of whom are men. Our folks did as much evangelizing the escorts as we did those visiting the clinic.
If you want more information about this ministry, I encourage you to visit the “Speak for the Unborn” website. It provides information and resources not only for those who want to get involved in Louisville, but also for those who would like to start a ministry like this in their own city.
Thanks for sharing that. Lord bless this ministry even greater, and protect these brothers and siters from the spiritual wickednesses. Amen.
I remember going to an abortion clinic here in Baltimore and holding a sign that said: “Abortion Kills Babies”.
That was some experience. And it was spiritual, not just dealing with this earthly realm.
Thanks again for the encourging testimony.
When I found out about my pregnancy (after my friend told me he could not have children!) I was defastated, my first reaction was to have a abortion as I just could not afford a baby, I had two sons, financially thing were not going good, I had no medical aid, and every thing emotionally was unbearable!
I will never forget the day I walked into my office after a visit from the hospital, and on my desk, (God working through He’s abedient earthly angel) had left a package with tiny babyclothes AND a article in a magazine about abotion, and how it is normally performed!
At the end I read the verse from the Bible, stating that God know the baby’s NAME even before the baby is in the mother’s lap!!!! Abortion is MURDER
The worries also faded, amazing how God supplied, most importantly by the fact that I could breastfeed, I had a problem previously with my two son’s!
Please continue to minister to people, and put God in control!
For the sake of additional encouragement in this kind of ministry, I offer this testimony. In Rockford, IL not only did we see women turn away from having abortions, we saw the clinic close never to reopen (google it for details). As we gathered to pray for just such a thing, I often wondered if it would ever happen. I remember some encouraging words (from John Piper, I believe): “Don’t stop praying until the mountain is moved.” By God’s grace, the mountain moved. In keeping with the imagery, we fully understand that that this peak was one of many others that still remain in this vast mountain range. In other words, there’s much work left to be done, but the Lord was gracious to provide this massive encouragement along the way.
Now unto Him alone who is able to move mountains be great glory!
Christians need to watch and pray outside these clinics. A couple of months ago in Birmingham, some Christians were praying outside a clinic when 2 unconcious women were removed in ambulances. The Christians asked the Health Department to investigate, and now the clinic is losing its license. Read the story here. http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2012/04/adph_birmingham_abortion_clini.html