
Southern Baptists address Orlando massacre

All of us are still reeling from the news of what happened in Orlando on Sunday. When I went into church Sunday morning, I had read that 20 people were killed in a mass shooting in Orlando. After I left church, I read that the number had risen to 50. I could hardly imagine the scale of such a horror. It was even harder to contemplate what the victims suffered. Who can bear even to think of it?

As I mentioned on Sunday, every person in that night club was an image-bearer of Almighty God and had lives of inestimable worth and value before God. Their murders are an unmitigated evil. As Christians, our calling is to weep with those who weep in the wake of such tragedy (Rom. 12:15).

My denomination’s annual meeting is being held in St. Louis this week. Nearly every session has included prayer and rembrances for the victims and survivors of Orlando. Earlier today, the messengers also approved a resolution concerning the massacre. Here is the text:


WHEREAS, Our entire nation is grieving as a result of the mass shooting of over one hundred people, resulting in the tragic deaths of at least fifty in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016; and

WHEREAS, The Bible teaches that God has created all men and women in His image (Genesis 1:26–27), and as the Author of life, regards acts of murder as evil (Matthew 16:18), and calls His people to love their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:39); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 14–15, 2016, pray for the surviving victims, all affected families of those murdered, injured, and otherwise harmed, and first responders; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we extend our love and compassion to those devastated by this tragedy and pledge to come to their aid by donating blood and other supportive means; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we regard those affected by this tragedy as fellow image-bearers of God and our neighbors, and therefore condemn this act of terrorism and others like it and pray for the day when these senseless acts of violence cease.

Amen to every word of this. Maranatha.


  • Kathy Baldock

    Oh Denny, this is rich. YOU are complicit in the cultural and religious discrimination against LGBT people in America. You are stiff necked and refuse to learn. When you spoke on trans issues at ERLC in 2014, I sat front row center as a witness to your horrible teaching. One day, as SBC apologizes in a smoothed over video as it did on racism in 2014, I WILL remind you of the damage you have done and committed in your arrogance and pride to not learn truth.

    May the Holy Spirit HOUND you from your ivory tower to fall on your knees and repent your your pride.

    • Ian Shaw

      Let’s not forget about the log in our own eye, before we allege what someone else has done…

      It’s interesting that someone will read a blog for the purpose for inciting an imprecatory prayer.

      • Kathy Baldock

        Perhaps I know this issue well and am quite aware of Burk’s voice on LGBT issues and am calling him to accountability and honesty?

        Some may view this as judgment beginning IN the House of God and not inciting a curse upon another.

        I strongly suspect the SBC will figure out their complicity within 10 -15 years. Wisdom is known by her children. It will come from under the pile of sacrificed physical bodies and eternals souls of LGBT people, in particular, your LGBT brothers and sister in the faith.

            • Patrick Joseph

              Kathy, I did not hear Denny at the 2014 conference, so I don’t know whether I am inferring more than you mean here. I do not know the “horrible teaching” of which you complain. But I want to ask sincerely how you would suggest a person who believes homosexual conduct to be sinful should make that point. I inferred from your post that you believe a person who believes this is per se a bigot, must repent of that view, and has no place at the table to discuss this matter. That is of course problematic for a Catholic like me who belongs to a Church that has taught this for 2000 years. Is there a place at the table for me and those who believe what I believe? As a side note, I visit Denny’s blog often, in large measure, because I find him to be very fair minded and unafraid of the truth on any subject.

              • Ian Shaw

                Precisely. The Christian church- Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox have had the same sexual ethic and teaching for 2000 years. That’s not bigotry.

    • Sam Jenkins

      I definitely agree with Kathy on this. The hypocrisy is inevitable and pretty blatant with what Mr. Burk usually teaches. These “teachers” are quick to judge, until they are being judged. They will do anything to make themselves feel good.

    • Gordon Hackman

      Nothing like rushing to capitalize on a tragedy so you can use it to bash your ideological opponents. Denny is not the one who needs to repent here. He only faithfully teaches what the scripture makes clear and the entire church has believed throughout it’s entire 2000 year history.

  • Christiane Smith

    Just saw the tweet with Dr. Moore’s speech re: building of mosques in this country. And ‘wow’ . . . very impressive. He never hesitated.

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