For those who read my blog, you may think that my only interest is politics. The truth is that following politics is more like a hobby. The thing that I am most serious about is the Bible. Yet most of what I write on biblical studies does not make it to this blog. That’s I why I am happy to share a paper that I presented on Thursday at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. Here’s the link:
This paper is a work in progress. However, I received some good feedback at the meeting and hope to incorporate it into a revision. If any of you readers have any suggestions for improvement, I would highly appreciate hearing them.
Abraham Joseph
I was at your session and your presentation was excellent. Your analytical chart on the Corinthians’ slogan and Paul’s rebuttal of the same is most helpful. Thank you for posting it here.
Myles Roberts
I have printed out your paper and look forward to reading it over the holiday (after I finish my parper on Milton’s LYCIDAS…due Tuesday). Thanks for your work, bro.
Myles Roberts
or my “paper” i should say. “Parper” remains, sadly, not a word.