
Documentary on Albert Mohler’s presidency

I am grateful beyond words for Dr. R. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. When he was elected president of Southern Seminary in 1993, the seminary was in the throes of theological liberalism. Hardly anyone could have fathomed back then the absolute transformation that God would bring about through Dr. Mohler’s leadership. It has been truly remarkable. What a blessing it is to be serving here at this time under this president.

On campus this week, we have been celebrating the 20-year anniversary of Dr. Mohler’s election to the presidency. The documentary above was premiered Tuesday night at a dinner honoring Dr. Mohler. It tells the story of what has happened here, and it is very well done.

I hope you will take time to watch this video, and I hope you will join me in thanking God for what He has done at Southern Seminary over the last 20 years. To God be the glory! Great things he hath done!

Postscript: Dr. Molly Marshall is mentioned in the documentary above. Where is she now? The news feature below tells her story from a decidedly different perspective than the one above. This piece appeared about three months ago on the NBC affiliate in Kansas City, Kansas.


  • Scott Shaver

    He and Page Patterson had to go on a political campaign (aka conservative resurgence) against others in the convention (leaders, academics, pastors etc) that did not share their views. Real yellow journalism type stuff.

    After their side won the struggle, it was easy to stack the committees, boards, and agencies with like-minded crusaders … there you have it.

    We’re still waiting on the systematic theology of one who is 20 years beyond a takeover to give us some clear reason as to the rationale behind it.

    Those who sing his praises say “it was about the Bible”.

    • J. Scott Alexander

      Mr. Shaver,

      Your summation of the events in question is remarkably stilted and inaccurate. The process took over decades with no sensational journalism to speak of (is there anything more important that correctly teaching who God is and what He says?). It took the concerted effort of tens of thousands of church members to send delegates to the convention. This was the decision of the vast majority of the SBC, not a select few. The clear rationale IS the Bible. The fact that you find it an inadequate apologetic speaks more of your view of Scripture than to its weakness as a defense.

      Sing on, SBC and Southern! And sing loudly.

      • Scott Shaver

        Internet and individually held records of the sensational journalism in question are there for public consumption Mr. Alexander … tons of it from virtuall every state where the SBC had a constituency from the years 1987 up until the mid to late nineties.

        You’ve obviously not taken the time to read beyond what your handlers have allowed.

        As far as your partisan assessment that my summation of events is remarkably stilted and inaccurate, were you there and involved in the controversy up close and personal as a pastor, seminary student, or as a baptist representative in your state during the period in question? I was there …an involved participant and eyewitness to the entire bloodletting debacle.

        Your condescending partisanship for Mohler and his colleagues does nothing to alter the voluminous records of what happened apart from SBC imprimatur.

        I’ll not stoop to questioning your views of scripture but don’t mind at all calling into question the veracity of your ignorant statement.

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